
I got married 7 weeks ago, can i get a divorce before 12 months?

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got married 7 weeks ago, my husband beat me black and blue after 3 weeks, i made him leave 2 days ago and have now found out he has started seeing another woman. can i divorce him now or do i really have to wait 12 months?




  1. You can start proceedings at any time.  Why isn't he in jail for beating you up?

  2. You can do whatever you want, as an adult you can get married and then divorced!

  3. call a lawyer for a free consultation you may be able to get it annulled or something.  

  4. I think you can have it annulled as long as it is before 12 months.

  5. An annulment is a possibility, however in your case, it is likely that it this was taken to court, it would end with charges against him as well.

  6. Have him arrested for assualt then divorce him while he is in jail,,, Don't let him move on with another woman,, He might cripple or even kill the next one  And Yes you can divorce him  With the police report and the doctor statements you won't have to wait the required 6 months that some states put on divorces..   Get a lawyer now,, and make him pay for it..... Good Luck

  7. if you wait, who's to say  it won't happen again...kick him to the curb and don't look back...

  8. I think that with that sort of behaviour you do not have to wait.

    Talk to the citizen's advice bureau - they can advise on that type of thing.

  9. You can start divorce proceedings anytime after you are married.  Every state has different waiting periods for the divorce to be final after you and your husband agree to a settlement.  You need to talk to an attorney.

  10. Get a grip! He was just horsing around.  

  11. OMG Of course! File for divorce real quick! Britney Spears was married to a guy for like 50 hours! OF Course you can.

  12. OMG i mean he wasted no time!! so nothing like this ever happened b4 u guys got married??!?? i dont think u have to wait 12 months either...i dont know what state ur in though or if that even makes a difference

  13. See an attorney NOW and get a divorce.  

  14. im so sorry i hope you can get one!

  15. OMG you had no idea he was this way before you married the scumbag?

    See a lawyer asap.

    Good for you and NEVER EVER go back.


  16. You can divorce anytime.  call a lawyer and get things started.  never put up with abuse.  

  17. Yes is called annulment and sorry about what happened to you hope you ok

  18. Oh dear,  so sad.  I helped my friend out of a horrible marriage after just six months.  So the answer is yes.  Did you consummate the marriage?  If so you can't just annul the marriage.  You do, however have grounds to divorce him for unreasonable behaviour, and adultery.  I don't think you'd have any problems if you can get a good solicitor on the case.

    You are in the UK I assume?

  19. You can have your marriage annulled.  There is a 9 month period after a marriage that you can have it annulled and not pay for a divorce.  Check the laws in your state; be informed.  

    God bless you, Darlin'.  Kudos for kicking the jerk to the curb!!

  20. get an annulment and a restraining order too. *what a f*ckin cowardly b*****d!!* I honestly hope you pressed charges on that son of a b*tch!! glad to see that your not one of those battered women that stay in that type of relationship, good for you for kicking him out!!

    *Sorry I got a little angered there*

  21. you need to find out what the laws are in your state then proceed with a divorce.

  22. I don't think you have to wait. But you should've called the cops to make it easier on you. And the other women he'll see.  

  23. HA HA HA I LOVE IT!!

    You would have stayed married getting knocked the F*CK out, but oh if he is seeing other women, time for divorce!!

    Can you answer the other posters question on WHY to wait to get married?   You are a perfect example.

  24. I have never heard of a waiting period for a divorce.  I certainly hope you called the police when he beat you, there are laws against that.

    Good luck to you and God bless you.


    You really need to get legal advice ASAP.

    Can you prove he beat you? It would be a good idea to have got him arrested. If you have done this, then that would go far in helping you.

    I wish you the best of luck - you a re far better off wihtout him and I hope you find some happiness x

  26. right i would see a solicitor as i think you can get the marraige annulled if not wait for the 12 months and s***w the bullying bas***d for everything he's got i feel for you sweet!!!

  27. Congrats on having the courage to stand up for yourself.

    The rules on marriage depend on where you are living?  I can not tell what country and state you are from.

    All the best

  28. No.  You can divorce whenever.  Sorry for your situation!  You will be much better without him.  Very unfortunate.

  29. You can get an anulment I think.

  30. You go down to the court house and get a restraining order right away. You tell them that he hit you please do not hesitate and do this right now! You actually legally have to be married at least a year to get a divorce so your best bet is an anollment.

    An anollment makes it so that the marriage never happened, well according to courts anyway.

    Trust me I have been married, divorced, and been in an abusive relationship. It only gets worse. At one point the ex boyfriend who hit me swung a baseball bat at my stomach while I was pregnant. So please for your own sake get out of there. Go and stay with a relative, friend, or even a domestic violence victim shelter. Just go now please I know its harder than it sounds I know that, but if you ever need to talk more email me! I am more than willing to help you and listen.

  31. I'd beat him back with a 2x4 or something!

    Never let a man know that he can control u like that or treat u like that!

    Charge him, leave him  and make him feel defeated  do what u have to do to make ur life happy

    Good luck

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