
I got my BFP after all..........?

by  |  earlier

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I tested on Saturday and got a BFN, but I still had a feeling I was prego, so I tested yesterday and got my BFP!! (My period was due on Wednesday, so Saturday was too early, but 1 day past my expected period start date generated a positive!)

This will be baby #3.

Just had to share the news!




  1. YAY! Congrats! :o)

  2. so happy for you!!!! how long were you trying for?

  3. Congrats to you and your family

  4. Congratulations on the wonderful news!!!!

  5. Congratulations. Have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

  6. CONGRATS!!!!! That is soooo exciting!! What symptoms did you have if any?

  7. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Congrats to you and your hubby! This is great news! Good luck to you in the future!

  9. Yeah!  I am so happy for you.  Everyone needs to experience that sometime within their life.

  10. Awwww YAY!  Congrats!

    Have a happy and healthy 9 months!

  11. CONGRATS.  I hope I get to see a BFP soon. Have a safe and healthy pregnancy:)

  12. Congrats....Have a Happy, Healthy 9 mths!!

  13. Congratulations!!! Alot of baby dust to ya.

  14. Congratulations!!!!!

  15. YAYAYAYA congratulations I got my BFP yesterday 2!!!!!!

  16. congrats x

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