
I got my BIRD help?

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i got my sun conure like 2 hours ago and i would like 2 no the best way 2 train him to love me and want 2 always come to me.?????? hes kinda scared right now so im gunna leave him in his cage for a day or so .hes under a year old




  1. It will take about a month.

    Do not take your bird out of your cage. Every day put your hand in the cage, aned stroke it gently, and give it treats, until it acts friendly, and you can take it out.

  2. Of course he is scared, Everything in his world is so different!

    Let him settle in several days while you carefully observe him and talk to him from afar, even from other rooms let him hear your voice.

    Watch that he actually eats what you feed and watch that he is drinking water.

    The cage should have been set up before placing the bird in it so hope you added afew safe and fun toys for him.

    After 3 or 4 days see if he will take a treat, pine nut or bite of apple from your finger through the cage bars - talk softly while doing this. Keep trying daily if he doesn't and if he does praise him with Good Bird. Praise is important training  good behavior's...and keep hand feeding him this way while he watches you and you watch and learn about him/her.

    Birds flights should be trimmed before letting them out of the safety of the cage...and before attempting to hand tame.

    Flights are the first six feathers on the wings, the longest feather's. Unless you are experienced at this, take the bird to a good bird groomer and have them done.

    If you bought him from a breeder, call and ask for advice on taming.

  3. You can't really "train" a bird to love you, just like you don't "train" people to love you.  It's not the result of an algorythim, or like flipping a switch.  If you want your new lovely to love you, treat it gently and give him attention.  Don't force it; just let your bird get used to you for now.  Things will get easier, and adjustment is hard.  For the first few weeks keep feeding your pet the same exact thing it was fed where you got him from.   That way, at least something in his world will be the same.  If he has a hard time calming down, make sure that there's no noise around, that his cage is covered, and that it's near an inside wall.

    I know when I got my conure adjusting was hard.  We get along great now, a year later, but unfortunately for me Little Chicken likes my mom more than I.  Learning to accept that I get second place to my mother is hard, especially since I spend so much more time with Chicken.  Still, LC loves to cuddle with me and we're great friends.  

    Just so you know: your love for your pet might not be returned with the same enthusiasm.

  4. Do not force yourself on him by placing your hand in his/her cage except to change food and water.Talk to your bird while doing this and let the bird gain trust in you.He/She will come around when he/she see's you are not going to hurt her.Also if I were you I would join some bird groups on yahoo and also talk to an avian vet.Let  your bird get confortable with you.Talk to your bird offer him/her food from your hand just dont feed your baby Onions,Chocolate,avacado,or anything with a pit or stone in it.Give your new baby lost of toys in cage and keep water changed out at least 2 times a day.Remember if you cant eat or drink out of the dishes then why should he/she? News paper is a good thing for them to shred.Just dont give them the shiney colorful store adds.There are lots of ways to get your bird to love you.
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