
I got my Second Volly-Ball game tommarow and we are playing someone even harder than the first one.any advice?

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I got my Second Volly-Ball game tommarow and we are playing someone even harder than the first one.any advice?




  1. well since its only your second what do u got to lose? if u think youre team is good and you pump everyone up ull be sure to win if u dont u will knoe that u tried ur hardest.if someon makes a mistake dont get to mad because everyone makes mistakes even u. also if someone makes a mistake cheer them on and say its ok make it up or if someone doesnt make a mistake and made a good set pass or hit anything just clap and cheer for them as much as u could. it all worked for me and we went to junior olympics! good luck and dont feel nervous!

  2. Just calm down and dont think of the team you are facing as better than you or anyone else you have played....they are just like every other team, and it doesnt matter how good they are, you are going to beat them.....just have a POSITIVE, WINNING attitude!!!

  3. You have to tune out all of the negativity. Nothing good is accomplished if you allow fear into the picture.  You must focus on being the best that you can be and encouraging your teammates to be the best that they can be as well.  

    Just remember that volleyball is a sport that involves strategy.  If the other team is bigger, there are ways around that...  if they're faster, there are also ways that you can win against them.  

    Trust your coach when he/she gives you advice on what to do, even if it sounds weird.  Most likely, they know what they're doing and are able to make adjustments.  Stay calm!!

  4. play ur heart out. be on the floor all the time. never give up even if ur team does. that will get u MVP

  5. I have a volleyball game tomorrow too but it's not my second. If this is just a practice game, then don't be too hard on yourself. If it's the second in your league, then just relax, do your drills and everything correctly. DON'T mess around while you're doing drills..that really screws you over. Plus, if you're on JV and you've played against your Varsity team, then just imagine that. Their team possibly can't be harder than your Varsity. Good luck and hope you guys win!

  6. Unless your life is on the line for this game just have fun and don't take it too seriously.

    I am not sure how good your team is but I have been on some seriously skill lacking volleyball and softball teams. I mean we just sucked bad. But I can say we had the most fun and made the most of it. I am not competitive at sports so that is what would matter the most I guess.

  7. try not to think how good they are but how much you can beat them

  8. i got a good advice just be yourself,relax, have fun and think it like it is a normal game and who noes maybe your team will win

  9. I'm a volleyball player too. you need to go out there focus your mind on the sport. Think about someone that made u upset or mad and take out your anger. and if u mess up and the team gets mad at you don't mind them... this sport is all about fun

  10. Cheer louder then the other team and do not put this in you mind ( They are a better team then us and we can't beat them ). Our volleyball team beat one of the hardest team at their homecoming. We beat them cause we believed in ourselves and did not think about how good they are. I hope you win.

  11. Really all you guys need to do is try your best! Tomorrow my team is playing a team that has already squashed us, but we are going to try our absolute best for the whole game. I have found that if you motivate your team and keep them pumped up you do much better! So just keep your team pumped up!

  12. Here are some things I've learned from playing:

    1) To avoid confusion make sure you call the ball and encourage teammates to do the same

    2)Play with your body and not your head. Move your feet to the ball and dont hesitate to call some one off the ball if you know its coming to you but they're going for it

    3)Have fun. Of course its good to be a little competitive but fun is key. If a teammate makes a mistake tell them its all good and maybe make a joke. You will feel good but most of all you teammate will not mope which could mess her game.

    Hope I helped!

  13. Keep yourself cool. Blow a sweet kiss to your opponents and play to your capacity.

  14. Drug their water bottles.

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