
I got my azz kicked and.....?

by  |  earlier

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I got in a fight with someone like 1 month ago and he punched my jaw from left to right really hard... anywayz, I lost the fight and my jaw still hurts really bad (even when I laugh) first I touhgt -it will be gone in no time- but..... what can I do to get rid of the pain in the jaw?? (it does not hurt in the place in which he punched me but in the opposite side where the jaw conects to the skull)




  1. yup it might be dislocated or maybe a tiny fracture could be causeing the pain  

  2. You need to see your dentist and don't get into fights.


  3. It sounds like he has dislocated your jaw try exercising it a lot if that does not work go to the doctor

  4. You might have a fracture or worse broken jaw.

    You should seek professional medical advice.  This is not the proper forum.

    Sorry for your pain and good luck.

  5. Unlucky, maybe next time.

    You may have a small fracture or maybe your jaw was slightly dislocated.

  6. you should of trained in self defense and this might not have happened instead you could have broken his arm for trying to hit you in the face and let him deal with it if it has a small fracture it'll heal in time cant plaster your jaw can they  just take pain killers maybe bruised muscles round the jaw as you always use your mouth (eating talking etc) it ll take time to heal  

  7. You should go back to the guy & smash your jaw against his face until he goes unconcious.. that should make you feel better...

    hmm.. ice it.. & get an MRI done. make sure it aint broken..

  8. take something big enough to cover your jaw out of the freezer

    wrap what ever it is in a hand towel and press up against where it hurts

    next time hopefully you'll be more carefull and wont allow your self to hit.

  9. WIMP!!

  10. yeah i get the same pain after being hit in the face but it normally goes away in a week sometimes 2 depending on how hard i get hit.

    you should probaly go see a doctor.

  11. you may have a fracture you better get an x-ray just to be safe  

  12. you should go get that xrayed or sumthing. cuz its been hurting for a month, i think it is far from just being bruised.

  13. Could be a dislocation or a fracture. See a doctor, get an x-ray.  Once that **** heals in the wrong way, you're jaw will be ****** up one way or another.  

  14. go bang him out and am sure you'll feel better in no time :P

  15. I think you should see your doctor he will give you a better answer :)

  16. OWNED!  

  17. See your doctor and get it checked out.

  18. You might want to see a dentist or an oral surgeon instead of a regular doctor.

  19. Oftentimes in martial arts when someone gets a broken jaw it is the opposite that they got hit or kicked on that actually is injured. It sounds like it is out of alignment at the very least and you need to get it checked out by a doctor.

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