
I got my braces help???10 points

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i got my top braces and they really hurt me alot so next month i am going to have my bottom once are they going to hurt same as the top once please i really need to know?




  1. It's different for everyone. If you have spacers in the bottom teeth right now they probably won't hurt as bad when you get the actual braces on. I thought the spacers hurt more than the actually braces. But don't worry the pain will go away in about two to three days

  2. I dont have braces but im pretty sure that they should but you will probably be use to the pain so it wont really hurt as much :D

  3. well the first week is bad, but hang in there, you can do it!

    stick to pudding, jello, and mashed potatos. foods you dont need to chew.

    and the top hurt more for me than the bottom. goood luck!

  4. trust me i used 2 hav braces and it hurts lik Heck! get oragel and put that on your teeth and gums it help alot!! trust me!  and also 4 the first couple weeks stick 2 VERY VERY soft foods! lik smoothies yougart Bannana ect. =] When i got my Braces i couldnt even eat BREAD! it Sucked!! Goodluck!!!! asnd hope this all helped!! =]  

  5. it stops hurting after about two weeks

  6. yeah i have braces and i lost 15 pounds when i first got up they hurt like h**l top and bottom

  7. Yeah, they're going to hurt. Braces always hurt like crazy, especially when you first get them, and the first couple of times you get them "tightened". The bottoms will most likely hurt just as bad.  

  8. Most likely. I don't understand why sometimes they do them separately as I am a firm believer of getting it over and done with right away! I have braces (top and bottom) and ive had them for a year this month. I didn't find them 'painful' so to speak, just extremely achey.

    You will probably find the bottom ones will be just as painful as the top but at least you have chance to get used to the top ones a little to reduce the pain. Depending on how bad your teeth are at the moment, the achey pain (after your top ones are on too) should go within 2 days to a week. They may still feel tender for quite a while but hang in there as you will get used to them and barely feel them. I've 100 percent forgotten that they're even there! The only bad thing is having them tightened, but the aching eases off as soon as you take a paracetamol or some ibuprofen. Don't worry, it's all worth it in the end with your beautiful teeth.. an award winning dazzling smile :) . No pain no gain ehh :P


  9. they will be hurting, yes.

    be glad you didn't get them at the same time!

    then they are both in pain and when your teeth touch when you bite down its really painful.

    the pain will be gone completely in like three days though.

    just relax and eat a lot of soup and yogurt so you don't have to really chew.

  10. It will feel the same as the top ones. Take some Advil. Also eat soup, smoothies, and soft food.

  11. The top hurt worse... I have had braces for like 3 years and I get them off in 2 weeks. YAY!

    My advice is take tylenol and when that time limits up, pop in more... Keep it going but make sure your not taking to much... Eat lots of those jello and fruit cup things, soups, mac n cheese, pastas.. Soft stuff.. It will hurt for about 3 days and the pain starts to fade.

  12. the reason they hurt is because theyre so new and tight. my brother was in agony (well, he was a drama queen about his but they did hurt him!!) the idea of a brace is to pull your teeth into the right places, correct? so what your feeling, the pain, is because your teeth have got pressure on them which over tie straightens them. itll go away as your teeth adjust and as you get used to it. i think the dentist tightens them every so often so they dont stop working so it might hurt a bit each time theyre tightened but i wouldnt worry. if it doesnt go away and its really really bad, talk to your dentist - im sure hes heard it all before and has a very simple answer!! if its hurting to eat for the first few days, eat soft foods or soup!! my brother and sister both loved soup during the early stages cos it meant they werent chewing and it stopped their teeth being irritated while they settled.

  13. It's going to hurt about the same just make sure you take some pain medication before you go get them on. Eat soft food at first to help.  

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