
I got my braces today and my mouth really hurts; I can't close my mouth. any suggestions on stopping the pain?

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Please keep in mind I am 13




  1. take an oxycotin

  2. You'll get used to it and it will feel better soon.  I ate a lot of mashed bananas and cool whip when I got mine.  And I took tylenol.

  3. Hey! I am thirteen and got my braces on 2 and a half years ago. Yuppers! I still have them. Take an apirin or Ibuprofen. It helps a little bit. The pain will go away, to help it though try rinsing your mouth with warm salt water.

  4. Ibuprofen worked best for my mouth pain when I had braces.

    Honestly, do anything that makes it feel better, as long as it doesn't bend the braces. Suck on ice, put a hard candy on the rough spot and suck it...

    And yes, I know the orthodontist says not to do that. Just be careful.

    You can probably go in to the office and tell them what hurts, and they'll fix it. If they're nice, it'll be free, but if not... Well, your parents are paying, and they have insurance, right? Your comfort is important.

  5. i got my braces on in january will go away eventualy, give it a week or so. after the third time they adjust your braces it wont hurt any more.

  6. Aspirin and remember that it will get better. Give it a day or two to decrease and it should be completely gone within a week! :D

  7. Take some aleve. I'm sorry you're sore. I know the feeling, I had braces too.

  8. dont worry just take an asperine it will be fine 2morrow

  9. Um thats not good. BUT you'll get used to it.

  10. When I had my braces, I always swished around hot water in my mouth then swished around cool water in my mouth, and that always seemed to work.

  11. eat lots of cold foods like ice cream. everytime you get your braces tightened its going to hurt, so load up on really cold things to eat.

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