
I got my cashier job! but i have a problem?

by  |  earlier

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this is my first job and im 16 and pregnant so i need the money. i worked from 9-1:30 today and the entire time i was standing and i felt dizzy my feet KILL me and i kept having tummy pains. it says no eatting food or no drinking so idk what to do. i cant quit i really need to the money, and its a good thing im working long hours, usually im working until like 3 or 4. any idea on what to do that wont get me in trouble? thanks!!




  1. Request a stool . I worked retail until my due date with 2 of my kids. They have to accommadate, what the state calls a "temporary disability". Also let them know you need to ave a water bottle at your register. If they have a problem with it, have your Dr write a note.

  2. i used to get dizzy from standing in one place for too long....if it gets really bad ask to go to the bathroom, and just sit down in there for a minute and go back. you're getting dizzy cuz all the blood is draining from your head....try walking a little also, even if its to do something drop something on the other side of your register and go walk to pick it up, it will get your circulation moving.

    they have to let you have water...for your feet....try using gel foot inserts for your shoes. hope it helps!

  3. your only working 41/2 hours and your complaining about being on your feet. I am a store manager and sometimes I work from 8am-10pm...I think you should just ask your boss, I understand the eating but you should be at least allowed to have water, and dont you get like a 10 minute break?

  4. You are going to have to refer to your physician on this.  You shouldn't be on your feet all day if you are pregnant, I don't know if your doctor told you that or not but he/she should have.  The store's policy of no food or drink is there policy, you have to abide by the rules.  I'm hoping your employer is aware of your condition and SHOULD be cutting your hours as well whether you need the money or not.  If you plan on keeping this pregnancy you're going to want to do as you are told by the doctor so you don't wind up in hospital before your due date and then not being able to work.  You'd better think about it now...long hours now and then maybe 2 months on total bed rest?  How are you going to work then?

  5. they have to make reasonable accomidations.

    talk to your dr. she can help you and give you a note that says you can not stand for longer then x without a break,

    you could request a chair so you wouldn't need to be away from the register (and you wouldn't need to be sitting in it at all times, but when it slows down and you are not as busy)

    request that you are allowed to have a sealable bottle of water at the register provided that you keep it out of customer sight and are not delaying customers to chug it, but  periodic sips to keep thirst away, (again not when super busy, and not to the point that the water drinking gets in the way)

    tell your employer (if they don't already know) that you are pregnant.

    i have worked as a cashier while pregnant and i have scoliosis and that was exasperated by the pregnancy (not this one)

    i let them know and they gave me chair and picked on me when i got out of it when i got busy with lots of customers (they weren't mean, just after all i went through to get you that chair and you don't use it, and this was from the gm of the store, a really nice woman)

    and i was allowed to have a little water at the register provided the bottle and drinking it did not get in the way of my job.

    the chair was very uncomfortable but was great when my back was hurting and my feet were unbarable, and the water was great i never got thirsty and never needed additional breaks because i felt ill.

    my job now has the same rule about water at the desk (but it is a sitting position...i have the oppisite thing going i need to stand once and a while or i feel bleh)

    but they made me take water eith me...because they would rather me have the water then take a break to get water, evrey hour or so.

    when i worked the register i was only there for the first 2 months of my pregnancy, i then left, my husband wanted me to stay home and we were okay financially (and the hours made me miserable) so i quit, missed the people but not the hours.

    this time around i am still working because the hours are more bearable and i have been here long enought o get disability....after baby though i likely won't go back (because my co-workers are miserable)

    have a sit down with you boss and ask what reasonable accomidations can be made.  maybe they can allow you a chair for down times and when there are no lines...

    and maybe they can allow you to have water at the register provided you aren't holding customers up to drink it.

    make sure to use the term reasonable accomidations.

    a chair and a bottle of water to use when not holding up the customers should be reasonable....and before hand get a dr.s note, and request what the dr recomends and if they say you would need a note then hand it to them.

    if you are showing...belive it or not a fair majority of people will be more patient if you aren't as quick like a bunny and take a sip of water while scanning thier items.

    good luck! and


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