
I got my depo shot 9 days after my period?

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I got my depo shot 9 days after my period and had unprotected s*x the same day and multiple time throught thr month my dr nvr told my nothing he didn't even give me a pap even though I haven't had one in about a yr then the nurse didn't say anything either so I thought it was effected right away not I'm 5 days late on my period I took a preg test also 5 days ago and it was neg should I test again or am I okay? Plz help don't critasize me




  1. Depo stuffs up your periods, I'm supprised your doctor diden't educate you on these things before they gave you it.

    If you had your period while you got depo it takes effect right away. If you diden't have your period then it takes about a week.

    Heres some info:

    How well does it work?

    Depo Provera is a highly effective method of contraception, more effective than the combined pill. If 100 women use Depo Provera for 1 year, possibly only one of those women will fall pregnant, that is, 99 will not. No form of contraception is totally effective. Depo Provera will only continue to be effective if injections are given every three months when due.

    Side effects

    Because hormone levels are low, most women develop very little uterine lining and have reduced periods. After two to three injections, many women will have no periods at all because there is no lining building up to shed. Some women will have nuisance bleeding, which is usually light and irregular. Occasionally a woman will have troublesome heavy bleeding, which can usually be controlled by hormone treatment.

    Who should not use Depo Provera?

    Depo Provera is not suitable for women who are experiencing the following:

    bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulant medication

    undiagnosed abnormal bleeding

    history of some forms of cancer

    certain other serious medical problems

    already pregnant

    wanting to become pregnant within 12 months.

    What are the disadvantages of DMPA as a method of contraception?

    the injection is long acting and if side effects occur they may last up to 3 months (it is not possible to reverse the effects of an injection once it is given)

    possible delay in return to fertility; on average, the delay is about 9 months from when the last DMPA injection is given. Studies have shown that more than 80% of women trying to conceive were pregnant within 1 year of stopping DMPA and within 2 years, 90% were pregnant. This compares with women who have not used DMPA, where 90% are pregnant within 1 year.

    does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

    is associated with a loss of bone mass while using the method. Research indicates:

    this loss is largely reversible once DMPA use finishes

    for women in their teenage years or early twenties, this loss is occurring at a time when bone mass should be increasing and could possibly increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life

    that diet and exercise are other important influences on bone mass in young women

    that there is no evidence of an increase in fractures in women who have used DMPA

    What are the possible side effects or complications of DMPA?

    Side effects of DMPA may include:

    all women will experience changes in bleeding patterns including:

    most commonly, periods stop completely after the first or second injections

    irregular or spot bleeding

    prolonged bleeding (this is usually light, however can cause inconvenience to women) heavy bleeding (occasionally requiring treatmen

    small weight gain in some women



    change in sexual interest

    mood changes

  2. you could be pregnant. one of my friend have 2 kids while on the depo. Ask your doctor.

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