
I got my driver lisence in dec. and will be 18 this june 1. can i then drive people at the age of 17-18?

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i got my lisence in dec 2007. this june 1st i will be 18 years old. can i by june 1st able to drive my friends who are from the age of 17 to 18? i heard from some friend that if ur under 18, u can drive minors after one year of having the lisence. if ur 18 then no matter how long you got ur lisence, u cand drive any one. is that true? thank you.




  1. You can always drive people in your car no matter what age they are.

    Well as long as you've got enough seats and have passed your lisence!


  2. i got my licence at 16 and we were allowed to drive anyone so long as you folw the rules of the road thats in mi in fla my friend got his and can drive anyone at  17 just calthe local dmv

  3. Once u have ur license u can drive any one u want. Its only when u have a permit the u have driving restrictions except the most states have a curfew for minors

  4. It may depend on the state. I grew up in NY, and once you had your license, you could drive wherever, whenever, and take whoever you wanted with you...

    You may want to do a search for driving laws in your state.

  5. yes you can and drive safe..

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