
I got my ferret in May of 2004, While cleaning his cage I noticed he had a Distended Belly, Very Bloated---?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if anyone knows what this means =( He also has no hair on his tail, looks like a rat.




  1. Your ferret is showing symptoms of a few things.  'distended belly, very bloated' is likely cardiomyopathy (heart disease).  These symptoms could even mean a worm infestation if your ferret was exposed.

    'No hair on his tail, looks like a rat.' could be a conditon called 'rat tail'.  It could also be something called adrenal disease.

    You can find specifics on all of these diseases at:

    This poor little guys needs a vet.

  2. that is most likely adrenal disease he needs to go to a vet right away.

  3. You really need to take her to the Vet right away. It is important that she gets treatment. It will be rather costly. But it is something that has to be done. Please read up on Adrenal Disease.

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