
I got my first day of high school...can i get a little advise?

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in the beginning im really shy

and i wanna make new friends

and im not sure how

and like idk wat to do

like how should i act all happy or all sad or all nervous

or calm as if i no wat im doin or wat




  1. Please don't take any offense to this, but most Freshmen at my school act "High and Mighty" because they're in highschool now, and 10,11, and especially 12th graders don't really like that. I am one lol. But just be yourself and you should do fine. That would be the best thing to do.

  2. acting shouldnt thing is dont "act" like ur cool cause ur actually in highschool...Thats why people hate freshman, they become arrogant...and annoying....and need to learn to grow up.....If u want to make friends push urself outside ur comfort zone, be outgoing and upbeat (not too perky though) try to create a conversation...classes are great for doing this! Just be urself, dont feel like u need to change cause u dont want some cocky seniors hating u...they hate all freshman...i am a senior haha!

  3. You used the word "act".

    Don't act.  This life not a stage.

    Be yourself.  

  4. just be yourself and get involved quick... its ok to be nervous but try to be outgoing and introduce your self to as many people as possible.... like make a rule that for every person that says hi to you on the first day you have to introduce yourself to two different people.... good luck!!!

  5. I had my first day of high school to!!

    Just be yourself and talk to people. you will quickly make friends.

  6. 1. Take a deep breath. You shouldn't be so nervous, you're just going to a new school. Remember that in your new school you will find kids your age. You're going to meet people like you there. Don't stare at others before you get to know them.

    2. Be yourself! Never change who you are to try and fit in. If your friends don't accept you for you, they're not really friends.

    3. Be hygienic. Nothing makes a worse first impression than a whiff of B.O. or bad breath that could knock someone over. Shower daily, wear deodorant, brush your teeth, and wash your hair . Designer clothes aren't everything, but look neat. It can make you seem friendlier and more approachable.

    4. Be inviting. A smile goes a long way. When you walk in the halls, don't hunch over your books or keep your eyes on the floor. Stick your chin up and make eye contact with other people. If you see someone you know, give a smile or say hi. Introduce yourself. Tell them your name and where you're from. Ask a question: "What do you do for fun?" Chat about the new school. Let your guard down, and be approachable!

    5. Make the first move. Anywhere, in the bathroom, near your locker, or at the water fountain, you can find someone that has things in common with you, all you need is to know how to approach them. Strike up a conversation, smile and compliment them, and, of course, introduce yourself and tell them where you came from! You never know where you can find a nice friend.

    6. Do something nice for someone. Save someone a seat. Say "hi" in the hall. Give congratulations for a job well done. Pay a compliment: "I like your backpack."

    7. Join more after school activities you like. Choir or theater or hang around for a French club meeting, etc. Even if you don't know anyone there, you'll all share a common interest, and you can experience with different personalities from yours that have the same interest!

    8. Look out for others in your grade. You're probably not the only one and at the very least, you'll have one thing in common: you're both in an unfamiliar environment. The good news is, if you are starting at a new school in startup year, almost everyone is new! Since being new is something that you all have in common, making new friends shouldn't be that hard. Talk about your old school, your new school, your opinions, grades, teachers, etc.

    9. Don't sit at the back of the class where other people dont notice you! Try to sit in the middle where your around everyone and can make conversation.

    10. Be confident, smile, HAVE FUN! =)

  7. HOLLA! hey girl, stfu. just go to school to get an education. HOLLA!

  8. When you step into the place, be confident. To be confident, you can wear clothes by your stylish signature style. Even if you usually go for t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, customize them. Try to look cool, but don't try to hard. Be yourself.

    Smile. Before you hit the door, inhale-exhale, and smile. Don't try to frown ever, because you can't make any friend by not smiling. Don't forget to smile at the janitor, too. Be as nice as you can. Everyone will like you.

    Break the ice. Don't be shy to join a girls' table at lunch. Say something like "Cool bracelet" to one of them if it's true. Be honest. Don't be shy to raise your hand, answer or ask a question in one of your class. Maybe one of the guys in your class is intrigued by your intelligence ;-)


  9. well just be yourself and here are some tips that helped me get through high school. just take it in as it comes

    -ignore "stupid freshman" remarks

    -actually try in school because collages see your grades

    -don't start drama! its not middle school any more

    -there is a good chance upperclassmen will not want to b seen if public with you even if you are friends. but some are ok with it

    -be yourself, don't live a lie because it is not worth it

    -lastly, HAVE FUN!!

    good luck!!

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