
I got my hair cut and i'd like someones opinion. please???

by  |  earlier

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it wasnt exactly what i wanted. heres a pic. i swear it works this time.

oh and my hair is like glittery from the flash in the camera and the wax that i put in it. its not normally like that. lol. thanks anyone who answers.




  1. cute! HELP ME!

  2. i like it. it does look scene, though.

  3. It's cute :)

    And yes, it's somewhat "scene".

  4. um not really the best haircut just being honest i would cut it more boy short but a little piecy w/ a girly twist  

  5. it is a bit of the scene style but it looks really good on you! I wish my hair would do that!!!!!!  

  6. looks nice  

  7. I can't really tell.. the picture is so small.

  8. its okay i would never get a haircut but it works for you and looks good on you :]

  9. its okay

  10. I think it works out for you.  It looks a bit too puffy on the top, though.  I guess you could straighten it out and use some conditioner or mousse for that.

    No, I wouldn't consider your hair to be "scene".  "Scene" hair is typically more choppy, layered, and wild as apposed to yours.

    I think that you might look better with longer hair, though.

  11. i think its cute ^^

    i guess its pretty scene

  12. I think it's cute. My hair cut is kind of similar except shorter.

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