
I got my hamsters from a friend who got them from a high school, is it likely they are spayed or neutered?

by  |  earlier

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Granted the high school probably bought them on a science class-equipment website.




  1. Hamsters are small animals and cannot be spayed or neutered since the smallness of their size makes it a difficult and complicated procedure.

    Hence male and female hamsters are always kept in separate cages.

    I would advise you to please keep your hamsters separately until a vet can confirm their s*x since they can mate from young and a pregnancy is very difficult on young female hamster. Also only a professional breeder can do justice to the complicated procedure of taking care of a pregnant hamster and her consequent litter.

  2. Probably not.  I would be them some teeny-tiny hamster condoms and lecture them on safe s*x practices.

  3. no, hamsters are not desexed very often as they dont live too long and are so tiny.

    chances are they are intact

  4. get the vet to give him a check up that way you know there health is good and the vet can find out that all that

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