
I got my jazz exam results back and i only got credit with merit :(?

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i was very disappointed because i practiced VERY hard and i did my best and everything, and i still go low. the scores go pass, pass with merit, credit, credit with merit, commended, highly commended and honours. I dont understand why i got so low, because i thought i did very good. She told me i didnt maintain my texhnique during the exam. But i dont actually know what technique is exactly. What is it? And how can i improve mine.Because i really want to get better at jazz and everything./ HELP/





  1. Awww don't be disappointed! That is actually a very good mark. Exams can be very stressful times, but are a fantastic learning experience.

    Now, there IS a technique for jazz. Just as there is a strict technqiue for ballet. So this is something you need to develop. Jazz often requires strength and attack at times. You need to use your arms sharply and strongly. You need to really point your feet strongly when they need to be, and flex them when you need to be. It's not just about going through the motions. You need to put energy and attack into them! :)

    Hope I helped! Keep dancing and don't be disappointed. You can only improve from here!

  2. i think what ur teacher means that there was less continuity and less smooth transitions between the moves ......

    practice a lot for it in front of the mirror ....

    i havent see u dance so this is all i can help .... ask ur teacher for how u can improve n ol .......


  3. sounds like a very good score to me. I was always proud of myself for achieving similar scores. Don't beat yourself up about it! But if you feel you can do better, then ask your teacher about your technique and try to improve. Honestly, a credit with merit is good. Don't expect yourself to achieve honours.

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