
I got my left ear cartilage (top of my ear pierced)...?

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and ive been putting on the rubbing stufff 3 times a day and spining it like they said but its still sore (i got it done 4 days ago) and its swollen. should i be worried? advice?





  1. Don't worry mine was like that too, and it went down afterwards.

    I'm sure you'll be okay :)

    Good luck.

  2. don't be worried after i got mine pierced it was swollen for a week and sore for 1 month. remember because cartilage is similar to bone it takes longer to heel.

  3. where did you get it done?

    if you got it at Claire's, then it might be infected.. but swelling can be normal

    have you been sleeping on it? maybe you've irritated it somehow ...

    so yeah

    hope that helped somewhat

  4. You can do this two ways...

    A) (The lazy way; i normally use this way when i got to the gym and can't do proper hot sea salt soaks....) But 0.9% saline solution at the pharmacist (buy in small packets, as they become contaminated after opening and you don't want to be using a single contaminated packet for 6 months!) Take one end of a q-tip and saturate it with the saline solution. clean the front of the earring. take the other end of the q-tip, saturate it with saline, and clean the back.

    B) (The proper way; this is much better, as the heat encourages the dead cells and lymph to escape.) Mix 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodised sea salt into 1 cup of HOT WATER. Wait for it to cool a bit, and when it's as hot as you can bear, dip your ear in for 5-10 minutes. Repeat with the other ear.

    Both of these methods, do it 3 times a day for 4 months. Don't spin the jewelry or even touch the jewelry; all you'll be doing is spinning all the germs and gunk back into the piercing and disturbing the healing cells. Your jewelry will not stick to your skin if it's made of good materials!

    Don't use alcohol or the ear care solution given to you by your piercer. Alcohol is WAY too harsh, and will kill your skin cells instead of encouraging it to heal (that's why it stings). In addition to that, Alcohol kills the transient (good) bacteria in your skin, letting the invasive (bad) bacteria in.  In fact, don't ANYTHING ELSE other than sea-salt or saline solution. You will irritate it and make it harder to heal.

  5. to me it sounds like its irritated really cause then they get irritated sometimes they swell and some times they don't it just depends. try putting it on once a day or twice i think 3 times a day is a little to much and thats why its getting irritated...

    try doing it in the morning and at night before you go to bed..... and after that is should be fine honestly.

    i never had that problem with mine at all and i slept on mine and everything and it didn't hurt at all.  

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