Far I had place ads on craigslist, made a myspace for my childcare, posted flyers at libraries, made a large sign outside my house, made business cards, told a few friends and family, registered with the childcare refferal agency, got myself a catchy childcare name + the name is now legally mine--My house is set up and child-proof, I have all paperworks organized, Added summer discounts, and my rates are low--to start. I am near a elementary school and headstart. What am i still doing wrong??? A few people called and emailed me but that is it! I feel a bit discouraged...What else should i do??? I want to be creative but I dont want to overspend on my marketing?? I know to be patient but I spend alot on marketing and now i just want to start watching children. Please give me some ideas?? Also, dont know any FFC so its hard to not know what I am doing wrong or should do? Thanks in advance!!!!!