
I got my make up done professionaly. IS it too much? pic included?

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I never wear this much make-up. She put on eyeliner and eyeshadow and concealer under my eyes.

Im getting my make-up done for a wedding.




  1. god, no.

    its like perfect :]

  2. no it looks fine and blond hair with it its even better

  3. no it looks fine

  4. Oh my gosh!


    Man, I wish I could look as pretty as you. You have great bone structure, cute pouty lips, big beautiful eyes, glowing skin, and gorgeous hair.

    Also, the makeup looks stunning on you. I love the pink eyeshadow!

    And no, the makeup looks amazing. Its not to much. Actually, it's a little less than what I see girls wearing on the streets, but it shows your real beauty.

    It looks amazing. Its P-E-R-F-E-C-T.  =D

  5. I think the light makes it show more, but its not to much, you have beautiful eyes.

  6. no it isnt to much. :)

  7. no its fine.


  8. umm no its like the perfect amount.

    it looks really good.

  9. It looks great. It barely even looks like you're wearing makeup.

  10. No, sweetie. That makeup looks fantastic on you, especially with you being fair skinned and blonde! I just hope you don't take away kudos from the bride because you are a beautiful young lady. Whomever did your makeup had a lot to work with

    because you didn't need any help.

    I think it probably does not matter whether or not you even wear makeup, you appear to be a natural beauty. You have that country girl peaches and cream complexion that so many people wish for, but never are lucky enough to have. I have one teenage son who is 16 and a junior in high school. He loves blondes and as picky as he is, he said you are really, really hot looking!

    Enjoy the wedding with confidence that you are going to look gorgeous.

    I hope I helped. I normally do not lavish this kind of praise on people I don't know. Just know that my compliments are truly sincere.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Âº

  11. Lol I would consider that light natural makeup :P

  12. I think it looks really nice, very natural, which is good. The only suggestion I have is to maybe try a different eye shadow color. It just seems like a lot of pink. Pink lips (beautiful by the way), pink cheeks, pink eye shadow. Just play around with different colors, and you might find something that works better. Best of luck!  ;-)

  13. Looks great, you're gorgeous!

  14. not at all, looks fine

  15. It looks really good. Not heavy at all and very natural looking.

  16. no its perfect....if anything its really natural looking

  17. i think you look really pretty.

  18. It looks really good. I like when people go for the natural look

  19. no, its beautiful , tell me how you do your hair! =D  

  20. You look really stunning.  You look like a fashion model.

    However, I'm sure the way you do your makeup is perfectly

    fine too, so if you're more comfortable with that, then by all

    means, continue.

  21. Lol not even, it looks really nice. And natural, it would be fine for every day pretty much. Very nice for a wedding :) Youre pretty

  22. No.

    I think it looks great.  They did a really good job of applying without looking over done, but it still looks classic.

  23. It looks very natural and very beautiful. :)

    You're a gorgeous girl!  

  24. Noo that looks really pretty and natural at the same time. It doesn't even look like a lot at all. I like it :)

  25. no it looks pretty natural

  26. Wow.  You may not want to show up to the wedding looking that good.  The bride is supposed to be the prettiest girl at the wedding.  If you weren't so dang young, I'd be macking on you in a serious way.

  27. no it's not too much it looks good actually...... :)

  28. it looks fine! and you look pretty. that actually to some people isn't enough makeup. don't sweat it! but seriously don't sweat. bye!

  29. Oooh yeah way too much..

    Psh come on..  

  30. omg.

    not enough!!!

  31. no it looks really good xD

    answer mine ?

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