
I got my new ragdoll kitten yesterday?

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i just got my little Ragdoll kitten yesterday and she doesn't wanna play or anything. she only wants to sleep, also she meows when she is alone or even when she is laying she meows. Is this normal for a ragdoll kitten?? she was born on july 26th. could she be to young to be playful yet. thank you, online websites about them would be great to.




  1. Quite young to be away from mum. You can buy a milk replacement but she is too young for ktten milk and you should never feed her cows milk.

    Try wet food mushed with a fork mixed with a tsp of water and keep fresh water available. When a little older she can eat  a mixed diet of wet n dry thats what i have done with mine and they are flourishing.

    My kittens love to play with jingle balls, ribbons or just wandering on the furniture.

  2. shes in a strange place and is most likely a bit stressed out, just hold her and love her, and she will settle in just fine,  

  3. Is there any chance you could give her back to the woman you got her from to just hold on to her for you until she's another month old? This kitten is just too little to be away from her mom yet.  Thats why she just wants to sleep all the time. She's just a little tiny girl.  Please see if the lady will keep her for you for another month. Please.  Good Luck & Best Wishes.

  4. If I count correctly, this is only 5 weeks ago.  That's too young for a kitten to be taken away from its mother and litter mates.

  5. First, I would report who you purchased the kitten from.  Any REPUTABLE breeder would not release an animal that young. Reputable breeders will also spay\neuter them as well.  Has she had all her shots?  Has she seen the vet yet?  Does she have papers?  Do you have a written guarantee from the breeder?  Was her house clean and smell free?  How did the other kittens look?  How did the other animals look?  Did she have a license to breed?  Are you sure she's a ragdoll?  Was she clean when you picked her up?  Did the breeder give you any type of instructions on how to care for her?

    Sorry but you got one from a kitty mill if any of these answers are no.  

    Think about it; she's very young, she's been taken away from the only mother she has known, she is too young to be taken away from it's mother and now is in a strange place with nothing she knows.

    I am always shocked at questions like these.  Before you buy anything, you educate yourself.  But animals, we just think you can go out and buy it and things will work out ok.

    I suggest highly that you go get a book on ragdolls.  They are a very different breed; they are timid and gentle cats.  

    As I said, it's TOO YOUNG to be away from it's mother.  I would report the breeder to the ASPCA and also the local breeding association in your area.  These are living, breathing animals we're seeing here, and a question like this quite frankly scares the h**l out of me.  Sometimes I am so ashamed to call myself a breeder because there are others out there that just don't care.

  6. Give her time to get used to her surroundings. Once she knows your home, she's bound to be more out in the open.

  7. You should call your vet and ask if they have any kitten formula. Explain your situation and they will help. She needs to be fed out of an eye dropper or needless syringe. When you take her in for her first check-up, ask if she needs anything special (like food, shots, or anything). With kittens that aren't fed by their mother for the full time, when they're adults they may have problems. Just ask to be sure she doesn't have anything wrong. Keep her warm and give her lots of love. A box with a soft blanket or towel will keep her warm and make her feel safe. She definitely needs some kitten formula. Good luck.  

  8. Kittens should typically be at LEAST eight weeks old before they're taken from their mother. She's still too young to even be away from her mother-- I hope you know how to take care of kittens that young.

    Second, she isn't used to her new home yet. Once she gets aquainted with it [and you] more she'll start to act like she's more comfortable.

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