
I got my period 3 times this month?!?

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im not sure but its actually 2 times..

well i believe i first got it the end of july

then 2nd time was like aug 10

then i just got it today which is aug 29

isnt this too much?

and ive been having my period since i was 11

and im 17

sooo is this normal?




  1. you are still young so its possible that it could go irregular!

    but if you want go get it checked out.  

  2. Its been 5 years that u have started so u should have a routine by now but i dnt think its anything life threatening.

    See a doctor love.

  3. Your cycle might be really short. Mine is just 21 days..But if you feel it's too often, you should see a doctor.

  4. It could be ok but go to the doctor and make sure x

    please answer mine;...

  5. You need to see the doctor because 3x a month for an elder lady is near normal, but a lady of your age might have a hormone imbalance. Be honest with your doctor so they can help.  I hope you feel better!

  6. are you on any contraception?

    there are many things that can cause irregular periods such as a change in diet or eating habits, stress, hormones.....

    if you are on the pill, injection or have the implanon it could be these.

    if you are worried, it is best to go to a doctor or teenage advice clinic and talk to them about it. make sure that nothing is wrong internally!

    im sure you will be fine though.

    good luck :)

  7. Some girls have their periods every 21 days as opposed to 28 days, your okay

  8. It sounds like this isn't normal for you. First of all, have you been stressed lately? Stress tends to throw off your periods.

    Your cycle could have changed. Some people have very short cycles. Also, how much blood was it, exactly? If it wasn't a lot, it was probably just some spotting, which is perfectly normal.

    If it really was a second period in the month, and this hasn't happened before, go see a doctor.

  9. need to see a Dr.

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