
I got my period about 2 weeks ago, but now im getting it again. Whats wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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I got my period about 2 weeks ago, but now im getting it again. Whats wrong with me?

im not on any pills or medication.




  1. how old are you anyway, your just irregular, its normal

  2. You probably shouldn't worry about it too much unless it occurs very often. If it keeps happening - see your doctor.

    Your period cycles are affected by things like stress and changes in hormone levels. It's a normal thing to have it in irregular cycles every now and then :)

  3. No it's just irregular because you just recently got it the same happened to me one lasted for about 2 weeks, but it's all back to normal.. after about 6 months.

  4. Dont worry about it. I didnt get a regular period until I was in my 20s. If you want a regular period you should go on the pill. It will fix it and make it shorter and less painful

  5. it's a normal thing that is happening with you .

  6. I need more information. Are on blood thinners. Taking aspirin. Could you be starting menopause which your periods will come closer and closer in til they stop. Were you pregnant at all and miscarry.

  7. it is normal there is nothing wrong with you.

  8. it's normal no problem if u think it is problem so consult a doctor

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