
I got my tongue pierced on Saturday and have a few questions: ?

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1) There is like a little white thing in the hole that I cannot get rid of.

2) My piercer told me that I couldnt change my piercing at all before two weeks to anyhting.....I keep reading that you can get a retainer at any time to conceal it at work. What should I do? I would like to be able to conceal it.

3) I took it out last night for a bit because I was starving LOL and put it back on this morning after washing it off with salt you think it will be safe to do this throughout the day if I need to (not to eat, just in case I have a client....

Thanks a lot and excuse my ignorance....last night I was about to give it up and never put it back on but it looks sooo cool and feels nice also!




  1. ok, you may not be able to change the bar until the swelling goes down, but you can buy a clear ball for it, or a see through pink to match your tongue a bit. also, i used peroxide and water sometimes to rinse it out. that white thing could be puss. yes you will have puss, and you might even taste it, and yes its gross.  but you can carry some mouthwash with you and use it throughout the day.  you should just drink your meals so to speak, like ensure or smoothies or ice cream even, and soup.

  2. when you first get it they can close up very quickly.  

    the little white thing could be an ulcer, just give it time...

    and i would keep the steel post in as long as you possibly can for the first 2 weeks to a month.  after that i would get a retainer.  ive had mine for about 6 years now and can go months without having anything in, but every now and then i have to force it through.

  3. DONTT change it until the 2 weeks are up!

    trust might infect it or it could close up...also dont eat or drink any dairy products until it heals...because it could infect the piercing and your tong might swell.

  4. dont keep taking in out and putting it in...... the piercing is trying to heal and by doing this you will prolong the process and possibly cause infections.....

    yes you can have a retainer but AFTER it had healed full just wait

  5. You really need to keep it in..try eating soups or ice cream...anything you can suck through a straw.  The little white thingy is normal, it will go away.  Make sure that you rinse your mouth out after you eat/smoke.  Besides that, I think you are doing fine.  Be careful about playing with it though, you can seriously chip your teeth.  

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