
I got my wisdom teeth out 2 days ago... is it normal that my vision is slightly blurry??

by  |  earlier

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So, I got 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out two days ago, and everything seems to be going really well, except that I'm noticing my vision is slightly blurry (I normally have 20/20)... is this just because I've been sleeping a lot or something? Or perhaps watching too much TV?




  1. yes, its normal, teeth, sinus, eyes all connected, plus the meds and sleeping and tv, definitely'll be fine

  2. No, this should not happen. The upper molars have roots deep inside going right into the eyes, thus touching the nerves of the eyes. If your vision is slightly blurry it is not because you have been sleeping a lot or something else. Were any of your teeth impacted?  Perhaps the best thing for you to do is to start taking Vitamin C --500 mg twice a day and a high potency B-Complex capsule and at least two glasses of Vit. D milk preferably fat free.  All these vitamins must be taken with breakfast and lunch. They are metabolic vitamins, good for the nerves and start repairing any affected nerves.  You will be surprised as to the results from your very first dose. Oh yes, take plenty of green vegetables.  If the blurring continues see your dentist immediately and also consult any eye doctor. You just cannot gamble with your eyes. But I am sure once the healing process if over, you may take the medications above for about two weeks, and you should not have any blurring. Best lucks.

  3. It doesn't seem too normal, but I'm not sure. Are you still taking prescription medications? Maybe a side affect from them.

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