
I got my wisdom teeth pulled out thursday afternoon, is it normal to still be swollen ? ?

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I got them out thursday afternoon , i got the ones on my left side out top and bottom and now its saturday and my cheek is still noticeably that okay??!?!

It doesn't hurt and I am not bleeding anymore, is there anything i can do to get the swelling to go away ?




  1. Yes, you will be swollen (I was swollen for 2 weeks). Don't worry too  much about the swelling, but do take the pain meds your dentist gave you. If your dentist advises you to take ibuprofen, do so.

    It is also normal to spit blood (dark, red, or pink), and the bad breath is from the blood- don't worry about that, either.

    Rinse w/ warm (sea) salt water, drink a lot of water (even if you don't feel thirsty- you will be dehydrated), and stay clear of any and all sugar, rough foods, and brush your teeth gently (baking soda is best- or just rinse w/ warm water and baking soda).

    All the best to you.

  2. there should not be a problem if the swelling is still there but as long as the swelling is not increasing from before. it is a good sign that there is no pain. Usually for wisdom teeth  pulled from the lower jaw the swelling can last up to 4-5 days but it should progressively be going down

  3. Yes, depending on how difficult the extraction was the more swollen you will be. Continue to take ibuprofen which will help with inflammation. Take it all day long, but don't mix it with other pain meds if you are still taking any. Also, it is even more common to be swollen for long periods of time if there was any infection or if you are older than 20.

  4. Yes, it is completely normal to still be swollen. The worst swelling should occur during the third to fifth days after the surgery. Then after that, it should slowly go down. The only thing you can really do for it is ice it. You could also take Motrin, which helps a lot with the swelling and pain if you have any.

    It is okay to have a little blood. It's probably from the stitches that are graudually coming off. And yes, it's normal to have a weird taste in your mouth. That should be going away soon.

    Have a good recovery.

  5. its normal to swell, had my wisdowm teeth pulled and they swelled, you could try to ice them. all the things your expierencing are normal no biggy, just let time take care of it.

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