
I got my wrk experience interview in a school .....?

by  |  earlier

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i got my interview on thursday and im really nervous, i no the headteacher abit cus my bro and sis go to that school but i just cant help to feel nervous.

what do you think they will ask me ?

can you give me any tips ?





  1. look them in the eye talk clearly and be ureself:) you will be fine x good luck

  2. wen i went dey ask you y u want to wrk der and explain wat u have to da make a gud first impression it lasts

  3. they'll ask you on what you plan on the future and always relate ur future to the job ur going for.

    just keep calm and dont be protective, best to keep your hand on your lap and dont shiver.

  4. Just dont panic or worry my friend had hers last week and they asked her:

    Why did choose a school? why this particular school?

    What do you think you will be doing while you are here?

    What do you hope to be when you have finished your education?

    Do you think that you will enjoy yourself while here?

    And then they asked her some personal questions such as any medical problems or disabilities we should know about but dont worry nothing too personal hehe .x.

    I would suggest going with the general ideas in your head first then you wont be too surprised, pherhaps ask one of your friends to have a practice run through with you and then you can return the favour with them.

    Good Luck .x.

  5. Hey huni

    Well i really wouldnt worry too much the type of questions they will ask are...

    1)Why do you want to work here ?

    2)What are your best qualities?

    3)what is your worst quality?

    4) Biggist achievement

    They wont be to hard on you and its fairly easy to get work experience as its good for the school aswell Just remember to act confident even if your not and keep eye contact and you will fly through

    Good Luck babe


  6. dont go in thinking you know all that, it'll put them off. If you dont have to wear a uniform be smart and casual and dont accessorise to much. And when your talking to her think of her / him as a mate but speak posh. Lol. =)

  7. Basic stuff like 'How would you deal with this...' about pupils misbehaving, etc.  It is competitive to become a teacher but just go in confident and thatll shine through.

    Good luck:D

  8. if it's only work experience they're not gonna' start throwing loads of difficult questions at you and making you feel uncomfortable. they'll just want to get to know you to see what kind of person you are

    remember that interviews are to see if the job is right for you, not just so they can ask you questions

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