
I got new glasses but it makes everything look like I am in a fish bowl, what is wrong?

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I got these new glasses yesterday and the prescription is only .25D stronger, and the prescription is not even noticably stronger. But it makes everything look like I am in a fishbowl, my old glasses only did that for a few hours, then it went away. But not these ones.

It is hard to explain what I mean, but when I move my head, everything viewed on the far ends of the lenses looks like it is getting a little bit smaller or something.




  1. maybe the lenses werent cut correctly, or you werent given the right prescription...? this shouldnt be happening, ide go back to the eye doctor if i were you

  2. I've also had this experience and it took a couple days for it to go away.  But if it persists, go back to the optometrist or ophthalmologist or whoever to see if the prescription is right, and also if some other factors might be at play.

    I recently went through a struggle getting a pair of glasses "right."  The optometrist insisted the magnification was correct, but there turned out to be a whole host of other things he monkeyed with before we finally got this pair to work for me.  We went through three different sets.  A good eye-care professional will work with you on these things, so don't hesitate to go back.

  3. Your eyes are not use to lenses that strong so wait for about 2 or 3 days you'll get use to them. If it makes you dizzy than take them off for an hour or 2 and put them back on.  That happens to me all the time when I get new glasses.

  4. See how they go today and tomorrow, take them back, they may have made a mistake with the lenses.

  5. Do you have astigmatism? If so the lenses could have been improperly aligned.

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