
I got on my swimsuit a almost clear/noticeably white smelly at close discharge! I'm 13 and I still didn't have

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my first period! What is happening. Also my stomach got a lot harder these days and I gave this paranoid thought that I'm pregnant! I know I'm crazy but I'm thinking that I was raped while asleep! Anyway, under the fat of my stomach there is a very hard surface. I almost never work out! What is it? What's happening to my body? I have smooth cramps when I move slightly! I'm also going to my doctor and what should I ask him about what's happening with my body?




  1. Have you ever had s*x before?

  2. its your period and when your pregnant you don't have your period

  3. LOL in order to be MUST have you're YOU'RE NOT PREGNANT ! lol but im thinking you're about to start your first period if that's not it then you should contact you're doctor =)


  4. yeah definitely talk to your doctor..who knows your body just might be getting ready for your period

  5. You should be talking to your mother, not a group of strangers on the internet.

    She could ease a lot of these fears.

    That's her job as a mother, to explain about becoming a woman to her daughter.  Then see the doctor.

    But since youre in the cleaning and laundry section of Y!A..just throw your swimsuit in the washing machine, or wash it by hand with laundry soap.

  6. Maybe it's your period finally coming!!! And please tell me your kidding about the raped while sleeping thing? Just ask your Doctor when you go in.

  7. I think you're about to start your period...dont worry you're probably not pregnant unless you have reason to believe so.  

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