
I got pulled over for not wearing my seatbelt 100 dollar fine..?

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will this put points on my drivers lisence? or will my insurance go up? I have no problem paying this. or going to court. this is all ridiculous. I live in north carolina. I just moved here. and am moving back to the northeast asap lol. but anyway yeah. does anyone know how the law works here. i surely dont and i cant find any info anywhere.




  1. Pay the fine and wear your seatbelt.  I bet you won't forget now.  You not paying your fine will result in you having to turn your license plates in, driver's license suspended, etc.  And you won't be able to get another license when you move back northeast.

    Ok, it might put points on your license.  But keep not wearing your seatbelt, and maybe you won't have to worry about it as your license will eventually get suspended.

    Edit: Just remember to put your seatbelt on.  Most people don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay on seatbelt tickets, so they remember to put them on.

    Edit:"for not wearing a seatbelt and ive never worn a seatbelt since i started driving"

    You'll wish to God you would have the time you are ejected from a vehicle and can never walk again.

    Grow up, pay the fine like a big girl, and GET OVER IT.

  2. No this will not be put on your drivers license.  My dad just got his second one.  The only way that it will go on your drivers license is if you don't pay the fine. You might want to go on the website for the Department of Motor Vehicles and see if they have any additional information for you.

  3. In most states the police can't stop you only for not wearing your seatbelt. They can only tack it on if they stop you for some other violation and see that you're not wearing it.

    I don't know if it's this way in North Carolina, but it would be worth investigating. Did you get a citation for anything else? If so, then you probably have no recourse. Worth checking.

    Since not wearing a seatbelt is not a moving violation, it won't affect your insurance as much as if you were in an accident. Again, every insurance company is different and they do their best to get as much money out of you as they can. You should call your agent.

    Good luck.

  4. in california its a $350.00 fine and a point on your record.

    wear your seatbelt, the life you save could be yours

  5. $100.00???? WTF is that ****???In IL, it's $55.00. I dont write seatbelt tickets unless I catch them doing something worse and I wanna give them a break. It's a lame law. Otherwise, it's not a moving violation and your insurance wont be affected.

  6. Some one should know,but my personal experience has been that the people who should know,don't know either.

    As for the seat belt laws in general,I think they are illegal.

    Based on a U.S. Supreme Court ruling regarding a search and seizure case before the court,a privately owned vehicle not used for commercial use is an extension of the home and therefore a search warrant is required to search cars,motor homes.

    Sense the car is an extension of your home,the seat belt law is either illegal or it requires all households to have seat belts on all furniture and the occupants to use them and gives the police the right to look in windows to make sure the belts are being used or you can arrest the police for being peeping toms when they look in your car to see if you are wearing your seat belt.

    A bit far fetched I know,but think about it.

    You pay the fine and the judge will tell you if any points will be charged against you.

  7. Just put on the dang seatbelt EVERY time you are in a car and you won't have to worry about this................

  8. The points don't matter because you know it will happen again before you get out of North Carolina.But since you asked it's 2 points.YOU LAWBREAKER !

  9. What are you 12??

    I have never heard such a immature attitude in my life.

    Driving is a Privilege Not a right.

    So do not be surprised when it happens again and again and they take your license.

    You will start remembering the seat belt when you are hit by some idiot and you are thrown from the car and your head goes through  the windshield.

    You say you are from NC and that you can not wait to go back to North East.

    So where in heck are you cause last i checked NC is still basically  North East. You say it like NC is way out west LOL

    ALL states have mandatory seat belt rules now i am almost certain so no matter where you go they can and do pull you over for a lack of seat belt

    It is not the cops fault you do not care and respect the law and your privilege to drive means nothing to you

    Frankly it likely will not effect either this time but with your crappy attitude it will next time and the fine will be higher and there will be points which will raise insurance and frankly eventually after it keeps going up you will learn Just like most little kids do when they get punished enough

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