
I got raped and everyone saying I've got diseases, I know I haven't but it still gets to me. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I got tested 2 weeks after, reported it week after




  1. tell them youve been tested, and that its not there buiseness, youve got your right to privacy

  2. Honestly tell them it's non of their buisness. If your doctor has tested you than you're fine. Tell them you've been tested, and your fine.

    I'm sorry for your experiance. People can be so mean.

  3. dont listen to them its not there buiness

  4. Sweetie, I am so very sorry this happened to you.

    Rape is a terrible crime.

    What makes it even worse is when people are so thoughtless and cruel about it.

    Have you had counseling?  I would really recommend it.  As you have seen, the trauma of rape goes much further than the actual crime.  There is a number on this link, please use it.

    And remember: you are NOT a victim.  You are a survivor!

    All the best.

  5. what jerks.

    i'm sorry that this happened to you....

    is it people at school or what?

    tell them to mind their own business.

    actually, just ignore them.

    you shouldn't let what other people say get to you when you know the real truth.

  6. oh my god i'm so sorry :/

       the person who raped you is sick

    and i think if anyone could they would lock him up for life.

       if you didn't report it then you definatly should.

         and don't listen to those people, they're just being ignorant.

      they really should consider your feelings.

    but you really should get tested, its important.

    just to make sure.

  7. I am so sorry you are having to go through this.  Life can really stink sometimes!  I hope you have taken care of you - told your parents, reported this person to the police, went for medical care, considered going to counseling (this can cause trust issues later in life.)  You really need to make sure YOU are okay.   Have you told your parents about being harrassed?  If not, tell them - they may be able to help more than you realize and I know they would love the chance to help any way they could.  If you don't want your parents involved -  if you feel up to it - confront those people.  Tell them that they are just making a bad situation worse.  That it is none of their business and that they are really hurting you by doing this.  A lot of people gossip because they think it is harmless and don't realize how much damage it can do.  If they are teasing you - right to your face, tell them to get stuffed and go to your school counselor.  Stand up to them and let them know you are not going to allow them to treat you that way.  If you are not up to the fight, you could try to lay low and wait it out. I know this is horrible, and to you it will always be horrible...  But to those jerks, it is just the story of the day and it will blow over.  In time they will find something else to talk about or some one else to bully...  It stinks, but it's life.  Good luck and be sure to take care of you.

  8. Well First yu should rlly report it to the police and juss get tested incase yu did get a sexually transmitted disease.. you dnt know what the guy couldve had.. and just because you don't have symptoms doesnt mean you don't have an STD. and if yu already got tested then that's good!!! for the people sayin yu got a disease forget about's not of their business they're being inconsiderate to you're feelings and don't realize how hard it is to get rapped and how it feels. They will get over it eventually unfortunately you can't do anything to make them stop becuz they're their own person and won't listen even if you are telling the truth.

    Or yu can bring yur test results to school and go up to dem and be lyyk: SEE DIIS BI*CHEZZ.. IM CLEAN.. SO NOW YU CAN SHUT UR F*CKEN NOSY AS* MOUTHS.. nasty mother'fu'ckerz..

    And if yu havent told your mom yet.. you should.. she will be much more understanding then you think.. don't be afraiid..

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