
I got red tips in my hair and was wondering how they looked pic included!?

by  |  earlier

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alright so my friend gave me red tips and idk if i should get a hair cut and get them out do they look stupid?




  1. I like them a lot. I give you props because

    I've always talked about doin something

    like that, but never have had the money,

    time, or guts.

    Rock it (:

  2. They look fine

  3. offense but it looks kind of tacky. sorry :(

  4. nice i like em

  5. it looks pretty dang cool (the red tips) wish my hair was that straight,  

  6. no they look really good on you!!  dont take them out!

  7. aw it looks really good:)

    like sickkk i wanted to do thatt:P

  8. they look really cute, and very bold! keep them, you could also try pink ones, they'd look good too!


  9. i think u pull them off rele nicely.

  10. hey i kinda like them. it's different!! i say keep them, just don't where any pink tops, lol!

  11. they look SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. i think its awesome

  13. they look nice (:

  14. They're awesome!

    I would keep them until they start to fade or something, then you can decide to cut them out or re-dye them.

    But for now they look amazing!

  15. i think they look awesome. keep them. the contrast with bright to a deep color looks crazy good. itll be worth to say in the future that your hair was red.  

  16. i love them they look great the contrast between natural blond and bright red really makes the red pop and it makes it look amazing!!!

  17. with your blonde hair you look firery..

    its kinda cute ;]

    i would maybe keep it or ask your friends.

  18. i think it's really cute... it goes with ur blonde hair

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