
I got rid of a person from my life. Did I do the right thing? Help! Details inside!?

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This person was a girl from Louisiana who's very smart and we met online and started talking, but I was initially scared and turned off by her because she said she was heavily into witchcraft, wicca, satanism even and all that creepy stuff, and that she often placed spells on people and various things, bla bla bla. To me that was childish and I didn't really believe in it, but she's a teacher at a uninversity, a VERY smart person, and It amazed me how she could believe in the stuff yet be so smart. Needless to say I told her that my personal Christian spiritual beliefs didn't mesh with her, and that I thought it was best we stop talking.

Then later on I realized that I was being prejudice religious wise, so I started talking to her again and apologized, and tried to be welcoming towards all walks of life. However I just didn't TRUST her, I got weird vibes from her.

Next thing you know , she was trying to romance me saying how my pictures were hot, how we are perfect for each other, etc and said "do you know, I can get you if I really wanted to, I can place spells on people, etc" which creeped me out. Next t hing you know , she's getting a job in the NY area by me, and wants to meet me, and wants a life together and on and on and on.

I immediatelyy cut her out of my life permanently.

Was she just being an opportunistic freak?

She found out I had money/decent life, which is possibly why.




  1. Yes you did the right thing! .....she sounds crasy...I'll put a spell on you to like me ??? come on ...who wouldn't find that scary??...obviously you did the right thing.

    Also, being a Christian, it would not be pleasing to God to be with someone who worships the enemy of God. God wants us to love everyone and treat everyone with kindness, however God does not want you to accept a religion where they worship the enemy of God and be with her and say it's ok.  Not accepting this so called religion would not be prejudice in God's eyes, that would be the right thing to do, if you love someone and choose to be with them, then you would want their soul saved too.

    In this case, you did the right thing. You chose God over a relationship. If God wants you to have any contact with her, it would be to lead her to Jesus...She tries to scare you with saying she'll put a spell on you, you answer back by talking about Jesus and saying you'll pray for her. Either she'll leave or come to Jesus....either way you're alright but really do pray that she comes to the real God through Jesus for her own soul's sake.  

    She can't put a spell on you even if you are in the Lord Jesus. Ask God to cover you with the Precious Blood of Jesus that no harm may come to you and renounce any spells put on you in the name of Jesus.

    Someone told me that she knew this person who said to her that he had put curses on specific people and that all those people died. He was next to her one day and she felt something like a negative vibe and she said to him What did you do? and He said "You'll see in a week". She went home and said the rosary and prayed a lot and nothing happened to her Thank God. I don't mean to scare you but just know that God will protect you. Pray and He will protect you. Also, pray for this girl, she doesn't realize it that her soul will be lost if she continues with witchcraft and Satanism. It isn't's far from it...she's gambling with the eternal destination of her soul and needs prayers and someone to lead her to the One true God.

    God Bless

    I just want to say apart from this, it's not wrong to socialize with people who have other religions as they are good people, however when it comes to having should be careful because it does matter. In either case, God wants us to bring them to Him. No one can get to God except through Jesus.

    When it comes to Satanism and Witchcraft, it's really worshiping the enemy and those who do so are actually really securing a place for themselves in h**l - sorry to say but if they do return to God now, their soul will be saved but it will be too late if they have not done so before this life is over.

  2. Ummm...Creepy! Stay away from creepy people that you're turned off by. There are many other fishes in the sea, I'm sure you'll get someone who will not threaten you with witch craft. By the way I did see someone get completely inlove with one lady after she did some witch craft stuff. That stuff does exist, and its in all of the holy scriptures. Stay away!

  3. She might have put a curse on you.  Don't break any mirrors!

  4. First problem: Met her online

    You have never met her if you only know about her from "online".

    You did the right thing, who knows she could be a he or an it.

    Second problem: Trust

    Have you ever lied "online" about yourself.

    Stand up, walk away from the computer, go out and meet someone.

    Go out and do something, anything, that involves other people, you will find someone, it has worked for ...... centuries.  

  5. People will say anything on the net.  For all you know I'm not some "Average Joe", I'm a hot young cut ties - leave it at that and move on...

  6. Smart people dont always make the smartest choices! Uh oh...hope she dunno where you stay. Regardless of what credentials a person comes with, always trust your gut feelings, its the one thing that dont lie.  

  7. Nooooo!

    d**n this girl is freaky.

    Don't go back to her.

    She's really weird.

    She has bad intentions.

    You do the right thing!.x

  8. Stay with your intuition.  If she freaks you out now, I can almost imagine in the future.  Still, you seem to be curious about her, otherwise you would not ask about it.  You never know.  It could be the ride of your life, and being so opposite might be the attraction, still, I would be cautious.  Don't be telling anyone that you are wealthy when it comes to relationships.  Money has the tendency to bring the weird characters out of the woodwork.  And makes you look like you are offering money for relationships.  Be cool not a fool, take it easy and good luck.

  9. If you originally cut her out of your life just because of her religion, then yes, that was prejudice.  However, "weird vibes" can be your subconscious telling you to get away, that things just aren't right.  Certainly things she has done since then completely warrant breaking away from her.  She sounds manipulative, obsessive and opportunistic, with an arguably tenuous grip on reality.

  10. Religious differences aside....  It sounds like she was moving WAY too fast for the kind of relationship you had with her to that point.  The spell casting stuff aside, she was exhibiting some very possessive, obsessive behaviors.  Sounds like she was moving from romantic interest into the "stalker" zone.  

    So, from that stand point I'd say you made a smart choice.

    As for the religious issues....  Being open to religious differences is fine.  However, just for future reference you should consider that in a lasting commited relationship (marriage), can be a complication that you will need to address before the wedding.  Example:  Will one of you convert to the other's religion?  If there are children, what beliefs will they be raised with?

  11. I would just cool it off for a while.  You never know she could be a stalker.

  12. make sure she doesn't get any of your hair....apparently thats what they use to cast spells!

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