
I got rid of all my back stabbing friends and now i have no friends. im all alone..?

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i have no friends anymore since they were all backstabbers and i dont know what to do or where to sit at lunch anymore or anything!!!

im in 8th grade but what should i do besides wait. i mean im used to being surrounded by people...and now im alone.

i cant just start over!! PLEASE HELP ME!!

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  1. SAME exact thing happened to me... But, luckily I had like, one friend let (hmmm...not many people that are good people, huh?...atleast at my school!) Everyone's stuck up. Like, seriously..the sammeee thing happend. I always had friends, and then, in 8th grade I lost all my friends cuz they all sucked. I have like one friend that I can kinda trust..The rest are just people I talk to. I think you shoudl Just find someone you're kind of friends with, or know and just start talking to them, and maybe tell them your situation. Sorry if this is just me explaining my pathetic school years. lol.

    But, I hope you figure stuff out!, Good luck! : ).

  2. One of my best friends simply came up to me and asked if I wanted to eat lunch with her.  We started with lunches, and became good friends.  Try the same - go up to someone that you think you can be friends with and ask if they want to each lunch with you.  If they say no (which I doubt), ask someone else.  It's a start, and that's what you need.

    Have you considered joining a sport or club to meet new people?  Perhaps something outside of your school?  Could you start taking music, ballet, tap or hip hop lessons?  Have you thought about joining the drama group at school?

    I'm sorry you're friends were backstabbers.  I'm not trying to upset you, but are you sure all them are?  Have you gotten the whole story?  If it's something not that bad, you can forgive them and try to work out your differences.  Only you know what really went on, I don't.  I'm just throwing out some ideas for you.

    Whatever you decide, try to make some new friends.  They are out there, and you can find them with a little effort.  I hope things work out for you soon.  

  3. Good for you honey you just have gotten rid of your backstabbing friends. maybe join a different group of friends, there must be some friendly people at your school. and from there you will get introduced to more people and so from there it goes.

    Good luck!!

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