
I got stung by a wasp and feel sick.?

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What are the symptoms? Does the area that I got stuck still suppose to hurt after 16 hours?




  1. yes it may still hurt.

    make sure the stinger is out, otherwise there could be an infection, or it may hurt for a long time to come.

    and drink lots of fluids, that could counteract your sick feeling. You could also have a slight allergy to stings, but then again, who is immune to them?

    symptoms are usually jabbing pain first, then subsiding pain with numbness finally itchiness and tender skin at the site of the sting.

    people with allergies may experience different allergic reactions from tightness of chess, loss of breathe, or swelling at the site of the sting.

  2. Yes, it will hurt for days and probably still be itchy a week from now.  But it will heal eventually.  

  3. Are you allergic to be stings and wasps and other flying things?  See the doctor if the pain doesn't go away. And Yes it is painful. If it is red and swollen and has a rash around it go to the ER.

  4. I'd need to know what you mean by 'feeling sick'.

    If you are feeling swelling in your throat, having trouble breathing, sweating a lot, and have a rapid heart beat, then you need to go to the emergency room immediately! You might be having symptoms of anaphylactic shock from a severe allergic reaction to the wasp venom.

    If not that bad, if you have a little temperature and feel kind of like you are fighting a cold or are sick to your stomach, then its just your body fighting off the wasp venom.

    Some wasps have potent venom and it will take a while to metabolize it. You will have a welt and pain for a few days. Put an antibiotic band-aid on it and if it starts to feel infected, see the doctor.

    You can certainly check to see if you see a stinger as it might have broken off, but generally wasps do not leave their stings as bees do. They can also nail you more than once so she might have stung you a couple of times!

  5. U will feel nauseated, read this guide  

  6. Yes..It will be tender for days.

  7. It could be that your feeling sick because of an allergic reaction.  But if your unsure of something i suggest going to the doctor.

  8. did you get the stinger out? if not then it can still be in your skin causing the irritation. go to your doctor or a walk in clinic to get it looked at to make sure no infections start.

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