
I got summoned for jury duty and I can't go?

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I got summoned for jury duty last week and I can't go because not only am i living an hour and a half away from home [I am in college], but I also have class the day that i am supposed to show up, at that time. on the letter, there was a number to reach the bailiff which i tried to call three times, only to be put through to voicemail. I filled out the form i had to fill out and sent it in for fear of getting in trouble. I also included a lttle note inside of why I cannot go. Should I wait to see if I hear anything? what should I do?




  1. I think jury duty may be educational for you, maybe more than your class. On the other hand you may just wait around in a big room and not end up on a jury at all. I'd probably go. At least they won't ask you to serve again for a few years if you do your duty (at least in my state).

  2. you should be fine. as long as you returned the survey paper and a note, if there is a problem they will contact you.

  3. Being enrolled in college out of town IS a valid excuse for not appearing for jury duty.  Keep trying the number for the bailiff and leave a voicemail.  Also, try to get to an actual human there, talk to someone live, and explain your situation.  Your not appearing shouldn't be a problem, especially not once you've talked to a live person at the courthouse.

  4. Tell them you are reading a book by Roland Friesler about how to be a good jurist.

  5. Keep calling them just to be on the safe side.  If you put that you're in college and have classes that day in writing you'll be fine.

  6. You should leave a voice mail message, they should call you back. If you do not hear anything by the day you are to report, you had better go. You can't go to jail for skipping a college class, you can for skipping jury duty.

  7. I would continue calling.

  8. Tell the school you have jury duty and go do it. The school hasn't got a choice, and it's a civic duty.

    If you don't go, they might put a complete idiot in your place and an innocent may go to jail, or a guilty person may go free.

    Just an opinion.

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