
I got tests done at the doctor a week ago, and they haven't called. How long should I wait to call them?

by  |  earlier

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I got blood work and a urine culture a week ago, and they said they would call. I don't want to be a pain and call them, but shouldn' t the results be back by now?




  1. call them now

    a week is all it takes to get blood test results back these days

    they probably forgot.

  2. Wait.

  3. You could call them because 9/10 times they forgot about you and they have to get your paperwork faxed to them so just call them and give them a reminder to be on the safe side.

  4. You should def. call them. Dont be shy. They usually forget and then you will never know the results. They dont care if you call. Its your health anyway - the most important person is you

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