
I got the candle wax out of my sweatshirt, but there still is an oil on it?

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I ironed the candle wax out of my hoodie, with a brown paper bag on top of it. That worked well. However, there still is an oily residue on my sweatshirt. How do I get it out?




  1. you wont be able to get that out because it has set now you should have taken it to a dry cleaners

  2. Try using Simple Green.  It's an all purpose cleaner you can get in most automotive department and some household cleaning departments.  Wal-Mart has it in automotive.  It's wonderful on anything grease or oil based, non-toxic and it doesn't smell bad!  And it's not expensive.  It's super concentrated but for pretreating something like this, I'd use it full strength.  Just spray some on, leave it lay awhile and wash in as warm of water the fabric will allow.  Might have to repeat it a couple of times but it usually works!

  3. well you might want to try the ironing method again, but use a paper towel, other than that scrub some spray n wash into it

  4. This is going to seam like alot to do to remove a stain, but if you love your sweatshirt, it is well worth it and it REALLY does work. it also works on any hard to remove grease stains as well. You have to follow this EXACTLY for it to work.

    1)begin by treating the area with Mineral Spirits or Acetone (do not use nail polish remover with acetone, it has to be just acetone) , let sit for one minute

    2)Then using an eyedropper, soak the area with isopropyl Alcohol.

    Let the area dry COMPLETELY and naturally.

    3)When dry, spray a diluted dishwashing-soap solution on the stain,  (**the solution is 1 tablespoon of fragrance and dye-free liquid soap ,containing either sodium laurel sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, and 10 oz. of water. )

    4)finally soak the whole item in an enzyme detergent (wisk or ERA) for 10 minutes and then launder using the same detergent.

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