
I got the depo shot 6mos ago & haven't gotten a pd but spotted, took 2pg test & r negative could i still be pg

by  |  earlier

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i spotted dark brownish color but the pregnancy tests say negative, last time i was pregnant i took 2 ept and 2 first response and they said negative too but when i want to the dr. i found out i was pg.




  1. I want to say you are probably not, but it might be too early to take the tests. Best way is to go to the doctor to find out. I doubt you are, but definitely try another pregnancy test and then go to the doctor if you're still not sure.

  2. I was on the depo for 7 years and would strongley advise you that when you do want to try for a baby to come off it as soon as you can.

    You won't be pregnant as spotting is normal whilst on the depo. I didn't have a proper period until 3 years after comming off the depo. It took me 5 years to conceive with my daughter and i swore i would never go back on it it can take a long time to come out of your system.

  3. your pregnant

  4. Depo only lasts 3 months so you very well could be pregnant, but I was on Depo and never got my period.  Even after I went off of it it took months for my period to come back.

  5. You don't get a period w/ the depo shot - -just breakthrough spotting.  Wait and take another test if you're still unsure, but it's not uncommon not to have a period on the shot.

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