
I got these cards in a reading what do they mean?

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King of Pentacles, 6 of Swords and 9 of Cups




  1. I got these answers off of this website:

    King of Pentacles

    Drawing up plans for a new business, new thoughts on how to make money or craft something. Perhaps building a new house.

    Six of Swords

    A boat of swords being ferried across a river with a woman as passenger. The classic Rider-Waite meaning is that one is leaving difficulties behind. A trip or change of scene may be the answer to restoring balance here. But there is more to it than this. In relation to the mind, ideas and words of the sword suit, this is also about finding a solution to math problems and brain twisters, not just troubles. The ferryman may signal help here, a silent partner (a reference book or internet website perhaps?) who helps you row your way toward the other shore...and THERE is the answer, a way to make your idea, your argument, your formula work smoothly, perfectly, beautifully. Also, of course, a card about trips by boat.

    Nine of Cups

    An innkeeper sits before nine cups set out for guests. This is perhaps THE best card in the minors. It is sometimes called the "wish" card. What you have an appetite for you will be given to you; your wish will come true. On the more emotional level, relationships are loving and complete. Creativity is at a high, friendships and emotions are good. It is like walking into an inn and finding that the innkeeper has already filled his chalices with the best wine for you and your friends. The joy and camaraderie the Querent seeks he will surely find.

  2. They are evil.

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