
I got this weird question.....?

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i got this weird question btw i know its a stupid question:

is it really possible for me to think that i am hideous and very ugly when really i'm not ugly?

thanks f




  1. I know it's an old cliché but it is true. Beauty is on the inside. I met a guy today, I thought he was so good looking when I first saw him but he very quickly started to look ugly after talking to him for a few minutes. The opposite happens all the time too. There's another old cliché  that's just as true which basically is saying the same as the above. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' Not popular answers especially in the media but true nonetheless.  

  2. Of course it is.

    Antidote: Get a couple opinions of others you trust.  And then believe them.

  3. Ya I do the same thing.

    Its better now, but in High school I was under the impression that I was literally the ugliest person in the state. When I saw people who had really bad hair or weren't what society would consider "pretty" I would think "man, I'm even uglier than they are" (sounds mean, but thats what I did.)

    I literally thought I was THE world's ugliest person.

  4. Yes it's called body dysmorphic disorder

  5. Anything's possible, but why would you want to think such a negative thing?  Make the mind think something positive instead.

  6. yes  but you need to focus on your strengths  you need to believe in yourself   not even models are perfect  (i myself find them way to skinny  but a lot of dudes like them)   play up the features you like about yourself  there are plenty of websites that can help   also  keep in mind that no one is good at everything   find out what you like and use it for yourself

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