
I got thiscanon A520 camera when i tried to put in the CPU socket and when i touched the cam it zapped me?

by  |  earlier

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well how am i supposed to upload pics if its gonna zap me all the time.i'm scared suppose if i on the dcam it might get spoilt .




  1. umm i think u have to refer to the manual bc it should not zap you... where r u connecting it to?? you should use the cables provided to attach it to the USB... even better get someone to help you... if you just bought the camera take it to the store and ask them to demo it to you... id exchange the camera for a new 1 too just to be sure... :)

  2. @sk some one to service it

  3. It sounds like you got a static shock - there's not enough power in a USB cable (not  CPU, btw) to do you any harm or even to feel.  I'd be concerned if it keeps happening, but I think you can assume that once is "just one of those things".

  4. Take the card out and use a card reader, but if it keeps on shocking you, you should return it while it's still under warranty.

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