
I got three hours of sleep last night. Any tips for staying awake the rest of the day?

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I'm one of those people that can typically work well on only a few hours of sleep. For some reason though, I've completely crashed.

I can't take a nap and I'm not in the mood for coffee.

I HAVE to stay up ... I go back to school tomorrow so I'll probably stay up to 11 getting ready, etc.

Any tips? Thanks :D




  1. drink cold water or rinse your face when you feel sleepy

    make sure you have a healthy breakfast because that can help a lot sometimes

    and when i need energy then i eat a bit of candy or a granola bar. maybe even energy bar too =]

  2. Protein is good at waking you up. You can eat eggs or any kind of meat, really.  

  3. stay away from those energy drinks, you will be awake at first but crash later. an apple or apple juice is to have something in that awakens you and makes you alert, also bananas are high in potassium which will help

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