
I got two job interviews at places I really like. How do I not mess it up?

by Guest60612  |  earlier

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Hello and thank you for reading this.

Lately, I have been on a crazy search for a new job. (Working at BK for four years, it figures, lol.) I applied at like 60 places and two called back. I was sooo thrilled. The top two places I want to work at both called me!

Now, I have had interviews in the past and I think they go good. I shake their hands, make eye contact, have clean and light perfume, talk clear, have no facial piercings, I am friendly...but I never land the job. I would think that I would because I have so much work exp but I never land it. I have no idea what I am doing wrong!

I have no clue why I do not land the job. And the places I want to work at are like Meijers, Kmart, the Mall, Targets, etc, it is not like you need a degree or something.

Now I got interviews at Target and BBW. I do not want to mess this up especially considering that these are my top two places I want to work at while I go to college. I am worried I might be doing something bad which is why all the people in the past do not call me back for a job.

Any suggestions please. I do not want to lose these jobs. I need to move on from Burger King!

Thank you so much!




  1. The best way not to mess it up is to just act naturally.  

  2. Keep things in perspective. A job interview is a two way process. Make the most of the opportunity to sell yourself effectively by being sufficiently prepared and use the time to find out more about the company. The interviewer is trying to determine if you are a good fit for the job and you are there to not only prove you are, but to determine if they are a good match for you. Ask questions relating to the job.

    Other things to consider include: (1) prepare answers to common questions and to questions directly related to qualities you think the employer is looking for to fulfil the position successfully. For example, if the job description asks for someone with excellent communication skills, prepare a story that shows you have those skills. A lot of interviewers believe past behaviour is a good indicator of future performance and they will look to test your behaviour in various situations related to qualities they are looking for in an applicant; (2) presentation and grooming - first impressions do count so make sure you dress appropriately; (3) don't be late; (4) make sure you engage the interviewer and use eye contact.

    It is also really important to view these next two interviews as new opportunities.  Don't focus on what you could have done wrong on past interviews - focus on these interviews - enjoy the opportunity to tell someone about yourself and practice so you appear confident and fluent in your answers.  

    If the job is in retail, typical questions may include:

    1) Tell me about yourself and your past work experience

    2) How do you handle a customer who is not happy with a product or service?

    3) This job requires flexible working hours - are you prepared to do work the hours we need you to?

    4) How do you organise your day?

    5) What do you consider your strengths / weaknesses?

    All the best!

  3. Hi Sharon S

    Okay you should try to arrive at the interview atleast 15 munutes before you're supposed to - not only will the interviewer be impressed at your punctuality but it also gives you time to relax and prepare and think about how you are going to conduct yourself.

    Do a bit of background research about the companies beforehand. Just basic research - what they do and how long they've been operating, that sort of thing, they won't expect you to know the complete history but they'll at least expect you to have some knowledge about what they're about.

    Try not to lie, or to give an answer you think the interviewer will want to hear because it will improve your chances. They've probably interviewed hundreds before you and asked the same questions so they can spot  a lie a mile off. Just be yourself.

    Ask questions - believe it or not although they're the interviewer, they like and even encourage this (at least that's the case in the UK). Such as company benefits? wage? holiday entitlements?  etc. But listen also, and remember as much as possible.

    The rest you already know, smile, be polite, make eye contact, remember your pleases and thank you's and you'll be fine.

    Good Luck and God Bless Kiddo!

  4. Don't appear nervous, be confident.  Smile a lot and make eye contact.  Ask questions.  Be assertive and personable.  Employers are looking for people that sell.  Sell yourself during the interview and you're sure to land that job.  Good luck!

  5. I have interviewed people for many jobs and I would say the number one problem is people do not know how to dress for an interview.  Since your job is at Target, make sure you dress carefully. The first impression people have is how you look.  During the interview listen carefully to the questions and answer honestly.  Try to be positive. After the interview, send a thank you card right away and after a few more days call to ask them if they have made a decision yet. But only call at the most twice.  

    Hopefully, you're going to stay in school and get a college degree because most low end jobs are unrewarding.

    Good luck!!

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