
I got two speeding in one stop from two different courts. i was wondering if i can fight the ticket?

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i was on I495 long island. it was sunday morning. i got pulled over doing 78 in 55. while this cop was giving me a ticket another cop pulled over and told me he saw me doing 85 in 55. They both gave me a speeding ticket for one offense. is there anyway i can fight these tickets? i am not even sure if someone can get two speeding tickets at one time.




  1. that's why you always have donuts handy,you probably would not have gotten either ticket!

  2. its double jeopardy-- not legal

  3. Two tickets at one time could stand, if the cop says he saw you, (and you WERE going that speed at one time) then it seems like he has grounds to give you a ticket. However, it would be harder for the second cop to prove his story, since he waited a while to give you the ticket, unless he came like a minute after the first cop pulled you over.

    However, that's kinda of confusing cause it could just be that you were speeding once, cop #1 saw you and didn't pull you over right away, but cop #2 saw you and pulled you over. Meaning you should be only getting ONE ticket. And seeing as the first cop didn't pull you over the first time, only the 78 in a 55 should stand if you ask me.

    If you have to go to court, make sure you tell them that. If you got two tickets, make sure you point out that the second cop didn't even pull you over, and it was at most a case of 2 cops seeing you speeding at the same time, so it shouldn't be two tickets. If that works, hopefully you'll get the 78 in a 55 ticket, because 85 in a 55 is 30mph over the limit, and in some states 25+mph over the speed limit can be a hefty fine and possibly other consequences.

    Nobody can guarantee you anything for sure though, if you did in fact get two tickets, try seeing a lawyer, maybe one with a free consultation, for some advice. If you really dont want 2 tickets on your record, and probably over $500 in fines for two tickets, (and one ticket can increase insurance by as much as 25% depending on some factors)  see a lawyer anyways and see what they can do about it.

  4. You can and did get two speeding tickets at one time. Can you fight them....sure you can... will you win... most likely no.... but if I got 2 like you did I'd fight them as you have nothing to lose and who knows you may get at least one dropped.

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