
I got water in my ear because i was in a pool, and i can't get the water out of my ear. How do i get it out?

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I don't want to get swimmers ear, or an infection, and it's in my right ear only. it's bothering me a whole lot, and i can't hear clearly in that ear




  1. omg... thsi happens to me so0 often its not even funny. Even worse it can stay in my ear for days. Its not a nice feeling.

    some things you could do are--

    1. Jump up and down on one foot with the affected ear towards the ground. Also hit your head with a free hand. Note- this is the best way for me altho it takes a while (15 min) however do not do it in public... you might look like some maniac! (ive exoerienced it)

    2. try putting some hydrogen peroxiide (few drops) in your ear. Let in trickle in... wait a few seconds and then flip your head over so it comes out. It usually works.

    3. According to this japenese myth if you take a hot rock and put it by your ear the water evaporates... thats what my mom said but ive never tried it.

    4. If all of those things dont work... sleep with your ear down on your pillow. Eventually in your sleep it should come out.

    5. If you keep tryin and trying and after two days it wont come out go to the doctor. They will give you drops that really should work or give you other advice.

    <>< I Hope i Helped!

  2. this has happened to me many times before. either let it slowly come out, hold a wet washcolth over your ear and tip your head, or put some type of liquid in your ear.

  3. This happens to me a lot. In both ears actually, to treat this get 1 tsp of rubbing alcohol and one tsp of vinegar. Mix them and let it sit in your ear for 5 minutes while lying down. Then plug your ear with a cottonball and you are all good. Take out the cotton ball once all the liquid is out. This drys out the water and cleans out your ear from getting an infection.

  4. a couple drops of rubbing alcohol will clear it right up.

    Or you can go get the exact same thing from a drug store called "Dry Ear".

    The alcohol is cheaper.

  5. Clean your ear with a Q tip.

  6. You have earwax build up inside and you don't know it. Get an earwax removal kit from the pharmacy or Walmart .. they run about 5 bucks. Follow the directions ... put several drops in your ear and you will hear bubbling ... that is the wax being broken up ... in a few minutes you will tilt your hear to drain it and you will hear the pop and the wax will drain out. Do not try to us a qtip as to get the wax out .. it will only pack it in harder.

  7. tilt your head to the side so the watter can drain out, stand on one leg, jump up and down and pat the other side of your head firmly. seriously this works.

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