
I got wicked high last night and I still feel out of it

by  |  earlier

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I've smoked some weak stuff before, but last night I smoked a lot of this good stuff and I could barely even walk straight. I got home and went to bed and kept waking up feeling all confused. I was still a bit high when I got up, I was jittery for a while too. I had some cereal, a big glass of water, and now I'm drinking grape juice. I think it's starting to wear off. It kinda freaked me out though and I don't think I'm gonna smoke again for a while. Will I feel normal again soon?




  1. Yes you will.


    Each time you do it, getting back to normal will be more difiicult.

  2. basically yes.

  3. Hi, its difficult to say when you'll feel normal again depending on what you smoked and how much.  Eating straightens you out most of the time.  Sounds like you're relatively new to smoking.  When I first started smoking about 7 years ago it was great, everything was funny and seemed "better".  However please be aware that many people, myself included, and many of my friends eventually find it causes so many problems in their lives that they stop smoking.

    In my opinion weed is a potentially dangerous drug.  Most of the stuff out there now is highly engineered and really strong.  You obviously enjoy the buzz if you've smoked a few times but now you've experienced your first negative side of weed.  I got hooked on it big time, as did many of my friends.  I don't know a single person out of dozens that still smokes because they had enough of all the negative effects (although everyone's different).  Downsides are as follows: potentially addictive, demotivating, can cause paranoia of different forms and severity.  That feeling of confusion is what most people like about getting high, and at first its a laugh, but can make you feel pretty crazy, like nothing makes sense any more, and can make people really introverted.  Many people who smoke a lot end up having mood swings and feeling really agitated when they're not high.

    I hope you don't get into the cycle of smoking regularly, if you start smoking during the day time or feeling like you "need" a smoke I'd quit smoking and never look back.  Keep it for special occasions and you should be okay.

  4. It has to wear off soon, what was it laced with, and can you mail me some.

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