
I gotta know if she's lying to me y'all?

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First off, I 'm an American white girl from a family of proud Scotch-Irish all the way back. I have a French cousin, by marriage.

I was talking to my cousin, about me going to France to visit her, she told me that I better be careful because the men will be LITTERALLY chasing after me, and that I cannot go anywhere with out her. At first I was flattered, because of my all American blonde haired blue eyed beauty. Then I found out that that was an insult. Because the men saw American girls as total easy hoes, who will get it on in 20 minutes!

I'm white I've seen tv and the black, mexican, puerto rican girls are the hoes. But she said that she was talking bout American white girls. She said we were seen as fair game and said "I'm not judging you Blondie, but you American white girls have a S****y reputation. You all have s*x as casual as shaking hands with strangers."

And she told me alot of Europeans, Middle East, South AMericans, Indians, Jamaicans and South Africans see us as "pieces of EZ meat."

And she said if I do come to France to see her, not to act like a typical "white girl" all "loud, S****y, and American."

I wanted to cry when I got off the phone with her.

Should I really go to FRANCE to see my cousin? She is lying right?




  1. Your statement that ", Mexican, and Puerto Rican girls are the hoes..." disturbs me for two reasons: 1.) it's downright racist, and 2.) hardly anything you see on TV is accurate. I just thought of a third objection to your statement: The word you want is "hos" or "whores". "Hoes" are what you work the dirt in a garden with. And while the groups you mentioned no doubt have individual members who are  of "easy virtue", I doubt all of them should be tarred with the same brush. Also, there are no doubt white girls ---both American AND European--- who are of "easy virtue".

    So how about inviting your cousin for a trip across the Atlantic?

  2. well..i guess she was harsh

    not all american white girls are like that ..well i think...

    but as far as i know..white girls do have that kind of reputation..

    dont go and visit her if shes already calling you a s**t

  3. Odd... I hate french people...but europeans are usually known to be a lot more promiscuous. Especially french chicks, theyll bone anyone.

  4. I am an indian and wants to s u c k  her   p u s s y

  5. you sound like a ho

    racist ho

  6. I don't think that you'll have to worry about men chasing after you too much.    You sound so shallow and uninteresting because you lack the intelligence to perceive that this is Men's Health.    Men respect women with intelligence.

  7. Lol it is probably because she knows you yourself are a ho lol an easy ho, probably loud and you seem very arrogant and ignorant, i also doubt you are anything nice to look at blonde and blue eyed?? oooooooooooh someone call the modelling agency lol ugly...

    Go to france, then keep going a little further until you get to the nearest river, then wait under it for someone to come and get you :)

  8. Some people might feel that way, i doubt all of them do. You should be careful in any country traveling alone. As for how they see you just present yourself in a cultured/ladylike fashion and don't jump into a situation where you'd be seen as a "S****y hoe". Some of the tv/music they get over there does portray us that way, unfortunately. But then again you've got music/tv coming here that always shows french girls that way too. Let's face it if it's different than their used to the guys will be attracted to something new. You are a new creature to them, suck up the attention but dont let it get to your head. Rep. all of us american girls with pride and class.

    Have fun on your trip!

  9. I know your cousin sounded harsh, but in France people are much more upfront and brutally honest with each other. She was just looking out for you!

    Americans are known for having casual s*x. So men in France will naturally be sexually attracted to you. And, like I just mentioned, because the men are so brutally honest they won't feel embarrassed if they chase after you.

    All in all, I think you should go on the trip! The French men aren't going to tie you up and take you hostage, they're just going to tell you how pretty you look that day. And that's hardly a bad thing, right?

  10. tell her to sod off and find some where else to go

  11. Your cousin sounds REALLY annoying.  France is one of the most annoying countries in the world.  I think she has spent way too much time there and needs to come to America to be deprogrammed.

  12. she's telling you the truth, that is the standard and most common view of american girls

  13. what on earth? would you still want to go? i think its more of an issue with your cousin than the men.

    but whatever. she is heavily stereotypical of american girls, especially blondes. of course we all know that not all of you are like how she describes and not every bloody foreigner you see will be gagging for you, no offense haha :D

    maybe she was influenced by say, how big the p**n industry is in america and shes basing it off that.

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