
I gotta question about STDS?

by Guest10635  |  earlier

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I had s*x with a guy for the first time yesterday. I've known him a couple months and he's told me he has only had s*x with 8 girls including me but he dated them all but one. Today I have bad razor burn and a scabby kinda psorisas like bump near my genital area. I don't know how soon symptoms for stds apear so I'm kinda scared....Does anyone know of any std that would show symptoms in a day??




  1. hpv herpes simplex virus but it normal takes 5 to 21 days for it to show but still get this checked out and next time use a condom it is not only his responibly but urs too

  2. It's probably just your psorisas. Give it a few days and if it gets worse go to a doctor.

  3. What were you doing having s*x with a dude who has done 7 other chicks? hopefully he would have the decency to use a condom i hope. Good luck:P

    you'll need it

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