
I grew way too many cucumber - and I dont even like them....?

by  |  earlier

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What can I do with them? besides pickles. And i'm serious so no juvenile answers please. I have about 200 cukes.




  1. Donate them to a local food bank, people are starving out there and could use some fresh cucumbers!!!

    OR try, they have some creative receipes....

    Feed the hungry!!

  2. you can make a really good salad with balsamic vinegar and feta and tomatoes. its very simple and easy.  

  3. Hey there guitarman054 here, that is over kill on the growing of cucumbers, but what I will do is take a bunch, LOL.  No really, like I do when we have to large of crop Oranges I put as many as I can in a trash can lined of course and take them to work with me and give them to my fellow workers.

  4. Yes, it's a very good idea to donate them. There are many places, other than a food pantry too. Like homeless shelters, women's shelters, group homes, churches, and such. Also, there's a thing called Freecycle, where you can post things you want to give away. Each county in every state has one, so check it out. You could also put them in plastic bags, drive to your local Wal-Mart, then put them into the open windows of all the parked cars! You could also call up a boy or girl scout group and see if they'd like to sell them to raise money for their group. Of course, all of this would take time, so it depends on how much you want to invest in getting rid of your windfall. Personally, I slice them up, cut up an onion, mix some mayo & sour cream in, add a dash of dill weed, and chill in the fridge. Good stuff! Or just slice them and dip them into ranch dressing for a great snack. Next year, remember how many cukes each hill produced, then plant only the amount of hills that you can handle. This happens with tomatoes and zuchinni too, so be careful to close your windows when parking at Wal-Mart! <*)))><

  5. why did you grow them if you dont like em?

    and if you're local I'll take em theyre great to munch on when im too lazy to cook

  6. i do the greek salad like this..

    chop up cucumbers 2 and 1 tomato and 1 red onion.

    throw in bowl top w some zesty itlaian dressing and top w feta cheese.

    I can eat this all day I love it!!!

  7. sell them at the farmers market

  8. Make Greek tzatziki:


    16 ounces (2 cups) of thick Greek yogurt

    4 to 10 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

    1/2 cup of diced or grated cucumber (Kirby or "English")

    1 tablespoon of olive oil

    2 teaspoons of lemon juice


    Prepare all ingredients in advance. Combine oil and lemon juice in a medium mixing bowl. Fold the yogurt in slowly, making sure it mixes completely with the oil. Add the garlic, according to taste, and the cucumber. Stir until evenly distributed. Garnish with a bit of green and serve well chilled.

    Yield: about 2 1/2 cups

    Add mint or dill: Slight variations include 1-2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh dill and/or fresh

  9. give to your local food bank they will love them //


  11. you can get rid of them by selling or giving them to a farmers market. you can give some to your neighbors, friends or family.

  12. Farm Stand, right outside in your front yard!  Sell them at a steal of a price and you'll see them go....................because Cucumbers don't have much holding time, freezing time and unless you like jarring pickles until Thanksgiving, I think this would be a fun option.  Get your family involved and take turns watching the stand, you never know, this could be your summer calling for extra income.  Good Luck, I love cucumbers but good Lord, I don't know what I could do with 200 of them!

  13. I  love  mine  sliced  and  soaked in  vinegar  with  touch sugar  over night.   Set  up  a  table  and  sell them.  Check  what the  grocery is  getting  and go  10 cents  less.  

  14. You could always mail them to random people. You get rid of the cucumbers, and they get a pleasant surprise!

  15. Sell them at a local farmers market or something. The better the deal the quicker they'll go. *shrugs* dunno

  16. sell them :D

  17. Most cities have a food pantry or grow a row  program for needy families who would just love fresh cukes, Donate.

    Quick Salad idea: Slice tomatoes, cukes, red onion. Toss with Italian

    dressing salt &pepper  chill. serve on a bed of lettuce. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese. YUMMY

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