
I guess i'm pregnant,but there are no morning sicknesses or any other symptoms, except...?

by  |  earlier

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except that my b*****s are more sensitive, i get tired easily and i get a dry mouth, i mean i get thirsty, more than before otherwise, no morning sicknesses,no need for extra this normal?! cause i thought morning sickness was the main symptom.... well, my last period started at july 12th, so it means now i should be 6months and 2days pregnant... the doctor says,it's too early to be sure, cause something was not right with some cells, i don't know, but has this happened to any other woman?! i will certainly visit my doctor again, i'm just curious...





  1. I never had morning sickness at all so dont go by that. If you know your pregnant because you got a blood test or ultra sound then be happy you dont have the "bad" symptoms

  2. i never got sick or anything like that. one week i noticed my bra didn't fit well anymore and about another week later i got a little pooch on my belly ( i had been working out and losing wait so it was kinda weird) when i got home that night i took a test and it was positive!

  3. take a test?

  4. I never had morning sickness.  Not everyone does.  Every pregnancy is different.  Some have an easier time than others.  Try not to worry about it.  Just count yourself lucky.  

  5. it is normal

  6. I'm at the 34 week marker and haven't had a l**k of morning sickness, and beyond the restlessness and feeling tired all the time, everyone tells me I don't "act" pregnant. It's really a roll of the dice...

  7. Not everyone gets morning sickness. And if you're not getting it-- consider yourself lucky! It can be kind of nerve wracking though b/c at this point in your pregnancy, you can't feel the baby move & you don't have a big tummy, so you feel like there is no "proof". But the baby's defnintely in there. Some women get it the entire first trimester. Others don't get it until their 2nd trimester. And some women dont get it at all. A lot of women don't start feeling tired until 7 months and it's just b/c they're carrying an extra 30 lbs-- it puts its toll on your body.

  8. I'm 31 weeks and have not had one pregnancy symptom:) my breast itched a little when i was 2 months but other than a big belly i have had nothing!

  9. Everyone's symptoms are different. If you are one who doesn't have to deal with morning sickness and other things than count yourself lucky!

    And just because you don't have it now does not mean you won't have it later!

  10. I never got morning sickness.

    I didn't get fatigue until 7 weeks and it only lasted until 10 weeks - the breast tenderness went away then as well.

    My hormones and everything were normal. Some women experience pregnancy differently. Every pregnancy is unique.

  11. I found out I was pregnant when I was about 7 weeks and that is when all the sickness and the sensitivity to smell hit me like a ton of bricks and I could barely make it through an 8 hour work day without wanting to take a might have not gotten to the point to have all the symptoms yet, or you simply might not ever get them....that would be wonderful.  I was so sick and dehyrated that my Dr had to put me on Zofran....once I started taking that it scared me a little because all the symptoms suddenly went away, even  the sore b*****s. It made me wonder every now and then if the baby was ok, so I understand why you may feel concerned.

  12. i have only ever had heartburn and sometimes tender breast other then them two symptons i have had none of the other ones that are associated with pregancy (just one of the lucky ones!)

  13. whats happening with you is the same with me no morning sickness, yea my breast are just a tiny bit sensitive, and drinking lots of water and im im almost 14 wks preg..this is my second baby, but with my first i was always throwing up and feeling sick all the time. Every pregnancy is different..

  14. 15 WEEKS AND NEVER GOT MORNING SICKNESS!!!... just slight cramping... food aversions... frequent urination... and fatigue! oh and sore nipples... but that was it!!!

    dont worry about it you got lucky!!!  

  15. i never had morning sickness or any other "normal signs" of pregnancy. it is very possible that you're pregnant. every women's pregnancy is different.

  16. this happened to me. i don't get my period for like a few months, but when i check with the doctor, they say that nothing is wrong, and i just need to eat healthy. sometimes, i don't get my period for like half a year

  17. consider yourself lucky and sore breast and missed period are usually 1st signs of pregnancy but every1 is different  

  18. I did not get morning sickness till I was about 12 weeks. Each women differs, some women do not get morning sickness at all (lucky) Some people get it right away when they find out they are pregnant. Either way perfectly normal!

  19. I didn't have any morning sickness at all with my pregnancy. some people just don't.

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