
I guess they were wrong. . . .Fish are not nice to each other!

by  |  earlier

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I found a website that listed a chart of compatible fish. It said that rasboras and bettas would get along. I guess it depends on the individual betta. In my tank I have one male betta (usually very peaceful), three albino corys and four harlequin rasboras. The betta bullies the rasboras, flaring up and chasing them around the tank. Anyone else have this issue, or maybe some suggestions? Thanks!




  1. perhaps your tank is too small.

    bettas won't do well with fish that ressembles them (long fins). it is perhaps the triangular shape of you harlequins that is annoying the betta.

  2. This may possibly be a territorial thing, they could be trying to figure out who is top-fish in your tank. If you only have had them a short while, they may do this untill all is understood who is running the show in the aquarium. If this has gone on for a while, I would start to separate them. Good luck.

  3. haha lol they were wrong betta fish never like to be with other fish onless its a female and a male

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